went for band practice today . (: see la , after i graduate den sir wanna play flight of the thunderbird . TSK ! lol .
hmm , after hertien has consulted me , i feel much more relief . i guess , the only thing i gotta do now is to be strong n not to tink too deeply . thanx hertien ! :D

had a crash cycling with ifah , zhong , rusy , hertien n jia jun on thurs . almost 4 hours we cycled around ECP , with the rain pour . it was damn fun la ! (: should go cycle again . must jio more ppl . hahas . (:

another awesome meet up on fri with jay , kieroy , hertien , carinna , amelia , jia jun n rachel . played this jenga game . omg , heart attack jenga game . we kept distracting each other . especially to kieroy . anyways , had lots of fun tt day with them

had a blast dinner/slack with them today . though its only the 5 of us but still they made my day better after the incident . dun really wanna elaborate on wat happened . but i just cant believe it happened again on me . well , next tym i wont fall onto UR traps again ! thanx jay n atikah for the advice . (: will be looking forward to this friday's slack again . ;D
short post bout band camp recently . it was AWESOME !~ though it was 2D1N , its still happening . hope there'll be another last camp during the june holidays . (:
♥ them lots ! (:

our supper !
im not sure whether its too late to blog bout this particular person .
well , i get to noe her last year , to be exact ,
07-05-09 was the first day i dare myself to talk to her !
we were shy , dunno wat to talk about .
but still , i start the ball rolling .
we intro each other n so on .
on 08-05-09 , she ,
SITI QANITAH , became my sister !
we tried to hang out with each after school with her cliques .
but wen comes to talking , everybody silent !
all lyk so ps to talk to me , as if i eat ppl . LOL !
suddenly after awhile , we didnt contact each other ?
i noe im in the wrong , as i didnt play fair .
after months of not contacting , i contact her back .
it feels so random to her . n i felt bad bout it .
i heard tt she wans to get close with me
just lyk normal siblings/sister does !
idk bout this matter till i heard bout it .
i felt damn guilty ! i , also wan to get close with her .
but it seems tt time doesnt allow ,
as i'll be sitting for my O's tt year .
but is it true tt time dosent allow ?
or izzit coz im nt playing fair ?
well , i'll choose the second option den .
as i noe tt im not being fair in this case .
after knowing tt she's gonna leave ccss ,
i couldnt resist anymore !
tears start rolling down my cheek non-stop !
even last night i dreamt about her .
so many questions are playing around in my head right now .
~will we still be seeing each other ?
~will we still be contacting with each other ?
~will she leave me alone ?
~wil she find a better sister in her new school ?
haiz , im totally blank right now .
everything seems not right to me .
but watever it is , i will always pray for the best in ur future ADIK !
do forgive me for ALL my wrong doingS ya ?
dun forget about ur gfs n also me , wen u've made new frens ya ?
u will forever be in my heart , n
hope this relationship will never end !
SITI QANITAH ♥♥♥hope she'll read this ..
yo ppl ! went cycling with jay , kim , n stanley today at ECP ! it was FUN ! we cycle under the rain n stuff . LOL ! yesterday cycle with sis at pasir ris park . gahh , she's damn irritating :x so many complains . LOL !
enough of cycling . next week is a busy week ! i'll be out almost everyday la . outing den band camp den holiday at KL ! OMG ! luckily i resign . opps . haha .
its been long since we last had a family outing . i just love 07032010 ! went out with family to shop n had dinner together . AWESOME !~ hahaha . lol . i guess our next outing will be , idk wen la . my bro busy with his ITE , im busy with poly n my sis busy with her Uni .
as for today , im not going anywhere . me n my sis will be good daughters ! we gonna clean our 'tidy' room ya . haha . tommorrow me n zhong gonna settle all the poly stuff n tt's it . nt gonna drag any further ! had enough of doing this shit . LOL . after tt im off to school for band ! he better talk to me . hahahahaha .