im on standby today !! means , BAND TYM !! hahaha ! yeah ~ went to school , stay at the canteen awhile with abang n azri before heading to the band room . approach my 'abang' amirul too . im sure he'll be reading this ! he better . LOL !
practice was normal . manage to be on the right track with the members . :D just hope the school will love the song though it is a bit sian ? anyway , after practice went to bayshore to slack ! can say wrong day to slack coz tomorrow some schooling . but its still fun ! will hang out again other days .
♥ouh ya , since my 'abang' read my blog , shall post sumting bout u ouhk ? haha . lol .
wen i ask u how's school just now , u say its a bit difficult ? hmm , well is nt really difficult to go through N's . all u need to do is to study harder ! study with sayfun or sumting . or maybe , u plan out la wen we can meet up den we go have study group . BUT ! make sure we meet is to blajar la eh . bukan main . hehe ! ouhk ? anything u consider ngan fun , den suruh dier text me n kiter jumpe gi blajar ! itu pun kalau 'abang' nk . 'adik' tk kisah tolong , asalkn 'abang' nk blajar ! :D:D
as all of us will be working at night today [me-chun xi-xian hui-joreen-jie you-leon] , we decided to celebrate chun xi's belated birthday today . we had a mini celebration at pizza hut . n off we went arcade at CS ! it was fun throwing balls at the ppl we're suppose to hit . we treat them as if they were our nasty chief cashiers [eileen&yoke yen] ! anyway , had fun with them today .
*sorry for my sucky attitude ! just hope its not our last day hanging out together yeah ?
woke up already , received sms from mummy saying tt abang can retake ! same goes to azri . so happy to hear this news . hmm , the both of them better study hard ! prove to tt vp tt u guys can do it ! (: abang , lets go to rachel's library n study again . this tym round real study . haha . lol .
went for band practice today . sad , atikah nvr go to school . thought today im gonna be happy coz in the morning already got good news . but , dua2 ade problem . haiz .
practice was fine . miss blowing my trumpet . but need to practice harder . coz now i feel a bit difficult to hit the high note as well as the low note . after practice , had dinner with classmates at simpang bedok . ouh ya , so far , overall la , i only love my food ! haha .
[jangan sedih2 eh , i noe how u guys feel . bersabar je la k ? fun , u have to forget bout it no matter wat . lupekn je . its the only cara k dik ? ikah , doa banyak2 k . she'll be fine . im sure she'll be . jangan risau sangat k dik ? akan kak sentiase berada di sisi korang ! (:]
2.10 am , n im still not in bed yet . summore later need to meet azri n den fetch abang , her tien , his cousin n zhen xing from the airport . lol . im gonna blog bout few things first den go to bed .
firstly ,
SABILAYATY[primary school fren] !! njoy ur days babes !
secondly , WORK ! omg , damn tired la . izzit coz of weekends ? i doubt so . weekdays also tiring . like no diff la . cant wait after CNY . they will just dump us away ! -,-
thirdly , problems !~ y must it occur every now n den . alamak . headache u noe . after 1 problem another problem appear . lyk magic . tsk tsk tsk ! haiz . did i made the wrong choice ??
[not gonna elaborate bout it]lastly , to atikah & sayfun - meet meet meet !! bile nk jumpe uh ?! dun tell me i have to meet u guys ? haha . jkjk . senang2 jumpe la eh . i wan talk talk talk to u guys !! this week ? next week ? remember , at least a day per month ya ! jangan sedih2 eh . (:
ouh ya , forget to say sumting bout mummy wendy ! (: she's a great mummy right bang ? gahh , i need to improve my chinese to communicate well with mummy dear ! (:
alright tt's all . gotta stop now n sleep sleep sleep sleep !!!!~
or else i'll be dead later !

im gonna miss them ! thanx mummy for the pic . (:
sent abang , her tien , his cousin n zhen xing off for their sarawak mountain trip ! will miss them for sure . ): they'll be away for 6 days ? but for sure we'll fetch them back ! as im nt working on tt day :D:D shockingly while sending them off , i didnt shed a tear . but wen abang go for his thailand holidays , i did cried . hmm . maybe its only malaysia ? lol . haha . hope we can go holidays together yeah . ouh , we have to . lols . btw , thanx mummy for the treat ! *loves* after send them , me azri mel n kieroy slack at T3 . sit there like nobody's business . after awhile , danial came n join us . OMG ! he slim down already la . n he's denying it . -,- slack at coffee __ ? den off to foodcourt to have dinner . well i had fruits only . hehe . thanx danial for the advice ya ! anyway , after tt we all decided to trained home . had a great tym with them today ! (: btw , i've consider to retake 3 subjects . so , i have to study hard for tt 3 subjects .
sick ! sick ! sick ! sick ! sick !result fever ? tt's wat ppl say . lol . result will release on monday , 11 jan 2010 , 2 pm ! habis uh abang . haha . but still , after result have to rush back to work . stupid dinner staff tt made us [PT , temporary] , have to work on tt day ! TSK !
had fun at work today though is lyk a hectic day . helped ain n chun xi count their money . poor leon , i nvr help him . opps . but he bullied me . tts wat one of the aunty says . im nt sure wat's tt aunty name but she made me laugh non-stop . well after work adik accompany me home . how sweet of him to . (: but we slack awhile first . chit-chatted till 1.30am just now n went home .