bro is so freaking irritating , annoying , troublesome n all la ! his application for ITE is making a fuss for all of us la . urghh ! had enough off all this thing . yesterday at work also got irritated . the way the aunty speaks to me is as if she's scolding me ? wtf la . luckily the chief cashier is kind to me . hmm . wonder wat will happen later . gahh , i cant wait for next week . ;D
[ thank u so much dear .
be strong n i'll always be by ur side ! ]
yo ppl ! work have been so tiring these few days , due to christmas . n its gonna be a hectic week next week as its new year soon ! omg , 2009 will end a few more days ! anyway , talking bout work , being a cashier is nt really a simple job . once u key in wrong things tt couldnt void , u have to re-scan the whole thing all over again ! n u have to do rigid minus at the end of the day . moreover , sumtyms u're dealing with WEIRD customers . grrr . how irritating they are . i just couldnt take it . well today is christmas but still have to work while ppl are holidaying ! jay to HK n my sis to malacca ? how boring i am without these ppl . humph .
i just cant wait till monday to clear things off with him . i wanna listen to he , himself . i've listen to different kinds of stories n idk which to believe . i hope everything will turn out fine as i dun wan negative things to happen . as wat he says , it'll be P&C between us . lol .
a week has past , n i receive no calls from
the police . i guess i wont be getting it back ? n i guess i will just stick to it without using hp till dunno wen . though its boring without one , i tink i will just have to bear with it . maybe its faith for me not to own one again ? idk . so ppl , anything just call my house .
enough of tt . yesterday met up with sayfun n saleha . help out with their hw's n off to work . i wonder how's qanitah is doing right now . this whole holiday , i never met up with her YET ! not even a day . god , i miss her SO much . hope she's doing great .
fina , any news bout her tell me tau ! thanx girl ! (:well , today is my off day . but need to accompany grandpa go hospital to visit busu .
GET WELL SOON BUSU ! loves ~ im so bored now . lols . anyways ,

well , past few days my leg n back hurts a lot la sei . discovered lots of 'good' customers . OMG ! will be on my own starting next tues . no more assistance . hope it turns out well n of course , my report come out will be balance n no rigid minus . ouh i hate rigid minus so much . it sux man . A LOT ! alright , today after work , met adik ! is lyk , finally la . hahaha . at first thought of going home . but i ask him to lepak awhile . hehes . seriously , the place we lepak is full of insects . grrr . tomorrow will be meeting him again , as i forgot to pass the calculator n help out with his hw .
oh btw ,
I MISS QANITAH !!did i do sumting wrong dik ? y havent u been replying to all my messages ? fina wanted to say sumting . but i heard nothing from her since 2 days ago . if u or fina is reading this , oh please , SMS me ! im feeling damn worried here .
oh dear , oh dear . today i feel lyk im SO in school ! nothing much to post today . i had fun actually . yet i feel so sleepy n tired . got to have my early rest tonight . anyways , i've started to miss my frens badly . especially my abg n adiks . OMG . gonna end my post by wishing nabilah ,