WENT TO PULAU UBIN WITH FAMILY TODAY !!its been quite awhile since we last had family outing . previous one was hari raya ?
does tt even count ? idk . anyways , really spent my time with my siblings today , ESPECIALLY my bro ! actually both la . sis made me go crazy ! sumting humiliating happened to bro . wakakaka ! serve him right ?
HELL YEAH !!~ cant believe wat i say is true la . lols .
finally daddy use the fishing net i bought for him on his birthday ! i've been waiting for him to use it . gahh~ late grandpa's fishing net got so many holes already . finally he decided to use the new one . :D guess wat we saw there ?! WILD PIG ! very tame u noe . haha . just lyk furbit . overall , i really had a good time there . get to relax my mind . except for the earlier part of the trip . mummy kept on forcing me to ... grrr .
enough of pulau ubin . will be having breakfast with sis n cuz again tomorrow . den later in the afternoon gonna meet abang !! yeah ! haha . miss him miss him ! cant wait to meet him . can talk as long as i wan with him ! :D
yesterday wasnt a good day for me i guess ? had my morning breakfast with sis n cuz at KFC . den off i meet my beloved adiks to go for band prac . finally , i get to blow the trumpet . YES ! :D hmmm . so far so good . after prac , met azri n off we go to the airport . not gonna elaborate more wat really happen . i was freaking sad till i broke down in tears . hell yeah , I GOT
BUSTARD THERE ! tts wen my good day turns bad . )': anyways , after tt headed to safra to meet xc , jj , hafsah , hertien , zx n the damn belated birthday boy , zy . but he was late . they played pool there . they asked me to play , but i dare nt . hehe . lols . didnt spend much tym there , but i had lots of fun . thanx to xc for organising it . the remaining part of the day , i spent my tym with hertien . went to repair his hp , n den walk around the 3 shopping centres . from den on , my day was good . thanx guys !
alright , today , went to the clinic to sent tabby off . found out tt he got ulcer . hope he'll be fine . tomorrow hari raya haji . there's lot of things i have to do tonight . im sorry hertien for nt following u guys to ECP . so far , i clean the living room already . now left with kitchen duty . grrr . lots of things need to do . haiz .
my day at home with siblings n cuz :D:D
plan to have breakfast with sis n cuz was .... none of us woke up at the timing we planned to . zzz . anyways , wake up n saw cuz n bro playing PS2 ? so i kinda tag along . it was fun ?
blh tahan la eh . while playing kept asking cuz should we go out ? im kinda bored . we started planning where to go .
-walk2 ?
-watch movie ?
-cycle ?
-swimming ?in the end , we decided not to go anywhere . too lazy . lols . change of plan , we watch dvd .
'jangan pandang blakang congkak' n
'boothnath' . scary-funny ghost show . we watched till 7 lyk tt ? ouh ya , will be going to school tomorrow with my adiks for band practice . gahh . i really miss my trumpet . dunno whether i can still blow it well or nt ? hmm . we shall see tomorrow . hope my sight reading is still there . lols . before i end my post , we have a new member in da house yeah !! ~
isnt he adorabble ?
some pictures from the sentosa outing [201109]

religious exams are over !! woohoo ~ lols .
mummy ask me out to geylang . zzz
shopping with her was a DISASTER !!
ma , dun ask me out to geylang with u again ! oh ya , at geylang got this very cute boy .im nt sure whether he ps or wat . out of a sudden he hold my hand n smile at me .den he say bb to me . DAMN CUTE !!daddy say maybe he ps . coz his sis was there . den he thought im his sis . ape je ayah eh . mepek . hahas .this weekend gonna go to pulau ubin with my family !
looking forward to it . YEAH ~ :D:D
PICNIC AT SILOSO BEACH WITH CLIQUES WAS AWESOME !!~had a really wonderful time/day with them today . with all the jokes , laughter , "forfeits" , n more la ! the weather is good ! *thumbs up* met ifah , azri , hanisah n rusy n headed to harbourfront to meet the rest . took the monorail n off to the beach ~ really enjoy myself there . we're gonna have another outing right ? but tt's in december . -,- anyways , pictures still nt uploaded yet . lols . oh ya , will confirm go for band next wednesday !
I MISS MY TRUMPET !!! grrr .. adik , dun go too late tau .
abang : meet up soon yeahs ? miss u to the max la sei ! bored at home right ? ask haziq along uh . we go lepak ! hees .
BORED BORED BORED !!!planned to celebrate zy's belated birthday , but it was postponed to dunno wen . anyways , i've been with my laptop since 12pm just now ! so boring la . azri came over to take his stuff n slack at my place awhile . fun ? ouhk la . his battery always flat . lols . today my secret has been revealed to 2 person . uh-oh . lols . u noe i noe eh . well after tt , my day was spent by chatting with hertien . currently , we are still chatting . lols . zzz . both are bored . chatted bout lots of stuff . hehes . first time chatting with him this long . might be chatting with him again tomorrow ? haha . gtg ppl . mummy buy dinner already . toddles ~
abang turned 18th today !!

im gonna miss u a lot la sei .
i wont forget all the tyms we've spent together .
in class or even outside .
hey , u're the BEST brother i ever had la sia .
willson la satu-satunye abang ku yg tercinta ! (:
anyways , we MUST keep in contact hor .
love u la abang !! :D:D:D
anyways , today was gradutaion day .
it was fun , sad , touching . haha .
must keep in contact with u ppl . (:
so ya , finally today got to take pic
with my one n only MDM POON !!
gahh , im gonna miss her lyk hell la sia !
miss her ! love her ! lots lots . :D:D

[like mother n daughter right ?? hahas]
basically yesterday i spent my tym at home .
if i noe , i will surely go out with azri they all ,
or maybe with xc , jerome n jj . but nvm .
hahaha . yeah . lols .
gahh . miss him lots !! ):
had malay paper just now . overall it was better den the first one . lols . anyways , after the paper , abang ask me to lunch but i didnt eat . coz
I ATE A LOT YESTERDAY !! grrr . i've gained weight btw . humph . ): n adik loves it ??? omg . after eating , wen to lepak with abang n haziq . it was fun . but boring at tyms , coz there's lyk nothing we could do . oh ya , tomorrow abang will be leaving to KL !!! haiz . ): will be missing him man . grrr . after adiks , now abang . alamak . ): ):
headed to jay's house yesterday .
hahahaha . it was fun !
after tt met up with her tien n kieroy at vivo .
had dinner at BK den headed to sentosa .
the place name is ONE DEGREE ?
was shocked wen suddenly abang say one degree .
lols . anyways , the place was awesome !
we tour around , n obviously slack .
haha . THANX KIEROY ! loves .
this year nt going KL i guess ? haiz . ):
im down with malay n sci paper 1 , n O's is over !!!
so far i tink i did well for almost all the papers .
except the careless mistakes . gahhh !!
nvm , anyways , im sure my frens did well too . (:
im sure the outcome of our results will be good .
just now rusy n azri came over to my crib .
we watched malay dvd . haha .
oh ya , u guys sure cant believe this .
yesterday abang n me sms each other in malay !!
though im tired , i still entertained him awhile .
hmmm , must improve his malay liao .
will be slacking at jay's crib n off to sentosa !! :D
this weekend ALL my adiks will be going for
the BINTAN trip . humph .
smile n stay happy always (: