have been chatting with fifa for the past 2 days ? anyways , this is for her . hope u love it too ! :DD

had a wonderful nap with these two just now . ^^
feel fresh to study amaths ?
will do some revision soooon .
anyways , so far , prelim 2 is much easier den prelim 1 .
had stomachache for the past few weeks .
or should i say months ?
im nt sure wats wrong with my stomach .
haiz . anyways ,
just reached home . shouldnt i be home early ? LOL !
waited for adik to end school to go home together .
but , not forgetting , THANK U SO MUCH PRETTY LADIES !
4S [Saleha , Sitiqanitah , Syarafina , Shazulfiqa]
they helped my 'hardworking' abang colour his art piece .
my 'abangs' waited for me till 2.30pm . n we left .
in the bus , as per normal , KECOH !
amirul with his non-stop jokes , love to make us laugh .
well , amirul ask me after i graduate dun forget him n his cliques .
to amirul: 'abang' , after i graduate , adik wont forget u n the other 'abangs' la . jgn skali 'abang ' yang lupe adik ? we still can hang out together :DD
*hope he read this*
hmmm . i also not gonna forget my adiks ! [S-A-Q-S] (:
n also my sayangs !!! u noe who u r . (:
*hope u guys read this*
klar , im off to finish up abang's art piece !
den tonight i can sleep early again . hehe .
tomorrow school starts late . woohoo . lol !
i'll upload the overdue pics soooon ..