Been tagged by Faris ~ Fabregas (:
1) Besides lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed ? - cheeks .
2) How do you feel when you woke up this morning ? - very sleepy .
3) Who was the last person you talked to ? - my cuz n sis .
4) Would you consider yourself spoiled ? - nope .
5) Would you donate blood ? - maybe .
6) Have you ever had a best friend who is the opposite sex ? - yeah . who doesnt ?
7) Do you want someone dead ? - for the time being , nope .
8) What does the last message in your phone say ? - 'Trying'
9) What are you thinking about right now ? - nothing .
10) Do you wish someone was with you right now ? - yeah .
11) What time did you go to bed last night ? - 2 am .
13) Is someone in your mind ? - yeah .
14) Who was the last person you texted ? - Adik Sayfun .
15) 10 people tagged .
1. Jay
2. Willson
3. Kimberly
4. Azri
5. Harrfian
6. Pei ping
7. Lin jie
8. Umar
9. Joel
10. Xiong cheng
16) Who is 2 having relationship with ? - not sure .
17) Is 3 male or female ? - female .
18) If 7 & 6 get together , would it be a good thing ? - definitely no !
19) What is 1 studying? - wireless technology .
20) When was the last time you chat with 5 ? - 9 jun .
21) Is 4 single ? - yeah .
22) Say something about 2 ? - a very understanding abang .
23) What do you think of 3 & 6 being together ? - not a very good idea .
24) What do you think if 6 & 7 fight ? they hardly fight .
25) Do you like 3 ? - yeah . my mummy .
1. Last beverage: - ice longan .
2. Last phone call: - Joyce .
3. Last text message: - "Wake up ! Sembahyang subuh !"
4. Last song you listened to: - you belong to me by taylor swift
5. Last time you cried: - recently .
6. Dated someone twice: - nope .
7. Been cheated on: - nope .
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: - kissed someone but didnt regret . (:
9. Lost someone special: - yeah .
10. Been depressed: - nope .
11. Been drunk and threw up: - never drink n will never take a sip .
12. Purple
13. Blue
14. Red
15. Made a new friend: - yeah .
16. Laughed until you cried: - yeah .
17. Met someone who changed you: - yeah . absolutely .
18. Found out who your true friends were: - yeah .
19. Found out someone was talking about you: - maybe ?
20. How many kids do you want to have: - 2 .
21. Do you have any pets: - yeah . tammy n tabby .
22. Do you want to change your name: - nope .
23. What did you do for your last birthday? - sitting for my N lvl , POA P2 , amaths P1 n P2 .
24. What time did you wake up today? - 11.30am .
25. What were you doing at midnight last night? - chatting with adik .
26. Name something you CANNOT wait for: - finish my O's .
27. Last time you saw your Mother: - just now .
28. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: - be a better person .
29. What are you listening to right now: - right round by flo rida .
30. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: -nope .
31. What's getting on your nerves right now: - nothing .
32. Most visited webpage:- facebook , blog .
33. Whats your real name:- Siti Radhiah .
34. Nickname: - diah .
35. Relationship Status: - single .
36. Zodiac sign?: - libra .
37. Male or female?: - female .
38. Elementary school?: - Taman Bacaan .
39. Middle School?:- Tampines Primary School .
40. High school/college?: - Chai Chee Secondary School .
41. Hair colour: - black .
42. Long or short: - long .
43. What do you like about yourself?: - a helpful person . (:
44. Piercings: - yeah .
45. Tattoos:- nope n never will have 1 .
46. Righty or lefty: - righty .
47. First surgery: - yeah .
48. First piercing: - yeah .
49. First best friend(s): - Shahirah(pri) , Pei ping(sec) .
50. First sport you joined:- track n field .
51. First vacation:- malaysia .
52. First pair of trainers:- nope .
53. Eating: - mum's cooking .
54. Drinking: - ice milo .
55. I'm about to: - cage my cats .
56. Listening to: - the sound of the TV .
57. Waiting on: - ??
58. Want kids?: - yeah .
59. Get Married?: - yeah .
60. Career?: - teacher .
Which is Better ? :
61. Lips or eyes: - both .
62. Hugs or kisses:- both .
63. Shorter or taller: - anything .
64. Older or Younger: - younger .
65. Romantic or spontaneous: - romantic .
66. Nice stomach or nice arms: - both .
67. Sensitive or loud: - sensitive .
68. Hook-up or relationship: - relationship .
69. Trouble maker or hesitant:- hesitant .
70. Kissed a stranger: - no !
71. Drank hard liquor:- never drink n will never take a sip .
72. Lost glasses/contacts: - nope .
73. Sex on first date: - nope .
74. Broke someone's heart: - nope .
75. Been arrested: - nope .
76. Turned someone down: - yeah . ):
77. Yourself: - yeah !
78. Miracles: - maybe .
79. Love at first sight: - maybe .
80. Heaven: - yes .
81. Santa Claus: - nope .
82. Angels: - maybe ?
83. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: - nope .
84. Did you sing today?: - yes .
85. Ever cheated on somebody?: - nope .
86. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: - during my primary school days .
87. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: - the day im out with my primary school luvers .
88. Are you afraid of falling in love?: - maybe .
89. Posting this as: - long quiz .
90. truths?: - yes .
91. Love yourself?: - yes !
had a last min message from jj saying tt today got chem class.. was freaking lazy to wake up.. *selimut babi* haha.. lol.. in the end woke up at around 12 plus n got ready for the class.. while getting ready,, me n my sis got lock in ur own room.. can u imagine?? our own room.. tsk tsk tsk.. we couldnt unlock the knob.. from the outside also use the key no point.. my mum n bro was outside trying to unlock the door but still cannot.. all my mum said was,, "u guys wait for ur dad to come home, ok?" i was lyk,, wth? i got class.. n my sis was lyk,, i got work..
so wat my sis did was,, she called dad,, n she dismental the whole door knob.. not bad uh sis.. DIY work.. lol.. all i did was,, pray n got ready.. hehe.. finally,, after half an hour,, she managed to dismental the door knob.. yay her.. haha.. had class.. after tt did some shopping with azri.. lol.. hehe.. OMG,, finding a castor sugar is so troublesome la.. such a big NTUC tt doesnt even sell castor sugar.. went to tampines 1 cold storage also never sell.. luckily last stop,, shop n save,, they sell castor sugar.. tsk tsk tsk.. so mafan.. humph..

well,, we've known each other
for almost 5 years..
sec 1 n 2 we always fight for
some stupid reasons..
n now we're brother n sister.
i hope that our relationship as
frens n also siblings will last LONG!!
wen u're feeling low,, or no one to talk to,,
can always sms/call me,, n i'll be there for u..
wish u all the best in everything tt u do..
goodluck for ur O's,, n strive for the course u wanna take..
have fun during ur day today,, we'll meet up on wed!!
again,, HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY!!
i've been so busy till i cant update.. lol.. here's a summary on wat happen the whole week.. (:
monday-had POA class.. it was kinda fun especially wen mdm poon was not with us.. lol.. those who were around should noe.. dun forget,, "kum-kum".. after lesson,, went to have lunch at KFC n walk around to find "my cousin's" birthday gift.. LOL.. ouhk wat's next? oh ya,, den met my parents n guess wat?! we went for lunch.. OMG..
tuesday-had chem lesson den went home n start cleaning our rooms,, shifting all the stuff out.. bla bla bla..
wednesday-cancel my study appointment with germaine just to carry on with the cleaning.. good thing is tt we finish cleaning within these 2 days,, but some minor cleaning not yet ba..
thursday-went study at germaine house.. FUN is the only word to describe wat happen.. played DDR.. but we studied first la hor..
friday/today-went out with jay jeremy n yong su.. awhile later met up with stephen but awhile only.. tour around bugis>bugis street>new bugis shopping centre>marina square>HOME.. LOL. tired huh.. reached home NO MOOD!!
cant wait fer tomorrows outing.. sunday,, eating at ARNOLD'S,, N of course monday!! :DD