good luck to all candidates sitting fer the paper tomorrow,, especially 5n1, 5n2 n my primary schoolmates.. all the best.. (:
found out tt adik got Top 20 instead of Top 10.. again,,
IM PROUD OF U, DIK! its ok if u cant get into Top 10.. i dun feel disappointed.. infact i tink u have put in alot of effort after all the difficulties u faced during exam period.. u can do better during EOY! (: went to watch The Magic Flute yesterday at VCH.. The show was ouhk.. especially wen the trumpet part! it makes me feel more awake.. lol.. last part also.. the trumpet made the show end very nice.. (: had a very late dinner at macdonalds after the show with seri jensen amirah n azri at tam.. reached home quite late around 12.30am but thanx to azri fer walking me home.. :D today had bedok library performance.. not really in a good mood.. not gonna elaborate wat happened to me.. but IT SUCKS! seriously.. thanx to my adiks fer cooling me down.. i guess i should have feel better? overall the performance i tink should be ouhk ba.. after the whole thing,, went to have lunch with adiks rahim venus n rusy.. cant wait fer tuesday.. getting new piece.. lol..
countdown to malay O lvl ~ 2 days!
y is this happening to me? its been a month though.. its so embarassing for me to tell people.. but only azri noe..
(tu pun malu sangat nk blang) haiz.. y sey?? today in school i got no mood.. didnt really talk alot.. n this coming school holidays there's TONS of hw fer me to complete.. today i received at least 3 subject,, not yet tomorrow.. but i tink it should be worth it fer us.. after school,, took bus with niki seri n amirah.. they were talking bout exams.. n i overheard tt adik got
FIRST in class!! in my heart i was lyk,, serious??
IM SO PROUD OF HIM!! loves.. (: yeah.. i noe he can make it.. just left with the level position tomorrow.. hope he made it to TOP 20,, so tt he can get a new game from his brother.. if better TOP 10.. lyk sis,, lyk bro.. (:
countdown to malay O lvl ~ 4 days!
yesterday was the worst band day i've ever attend.. dunno wat time it really starts.. sir came around 5 plus.. aiyo.. tsk tsk tsk.. today after school went to have lunch with azri n jerome at food culture.. they both ate tom yam noodle while i ate chicken minced noodle.. after eating,, both of them were perspiring lyk mad.. den jerome decided to have dessert.. we went to S11 n had ice-kacang..
*thanx jerome for treating us.. (: well i dun really eat ice-kacang.. coz of the red bean.. but instead i ate the ice on top.. lol.. after tt went home to change n headed to azri house to complete some hw n study abit.. today lots of unlucky thing happen to me.. during lesson,, in the bus n at azri house! N all azri did was to laugh at me.. *shy* btw,,
happy 12th birthday to adik lil sis.. good luck for ur PSLE!! (:
countdown to malay O lvl ~ 5 days!
E-LEARNING DAY....cant wait fer tomorrow band practice! I MISS MY TRUMPET! (:
countdown to malay O lvl ~ 7 days!
finally im uploading the photos.. lol.. but still some pis is still with hafsah.. but nvm,, ill upload this will do..
BORING!!did nothing much today.. was damn bored.. earlier just now went to have the study group again,, after SO long i didnt attend..
countdown to malay O lvl ~ 9 more days!

see this guy here.. i miss him lots la.. its been long since we last met.. hope to go out with him soon.. :D
yesterday was a boring day for me.. first half of the day in school was ouhk la.. but wen it comes to during lunch,, i was freaking bored! the art students have their art lesson for 4 hours,, n the rest have no amaths.. thought of going home.. but tink twice,, very risky.. so stayed up at the com lab with zy n jj n use the laptop till 2.15 going to 2.30 around there den go home..
today's lesson were same as yesterday's.. last period free period.. but luckily 45mins only! thought of going home again.. but,, mrs pereira was scolding few sec 5's dunno for wat reason.. we thought coz they wanna leave the school.. so we have no choice but to stay untill school end.. after school went home with michelle n had lunch at food culture with her.. while eating she told me stories bout her first tym board the aeroplane.. [michelle,, dun forget bring the photos on tuesday! (:] before heading home,, we walked around for awhile.. after walking,, bid goodbye to her n walked home.. reached home,,, tt stupid brother of mine,, brought his frens home again.. (buat mcm rumah sendiri je!! kaki atas meja.. korang ingat ni rumah BAPAK korang pe!) i seriously hate it wen he bring his frens home.. i will have to lock myself up in my room coz they will surely puff here n there which i hate it MOST!! SHIBA!!
im sleepy.. lol.. feel lyk taking an evening nap.. :P btw,, adik,, rest well k? i tink u have been stress quite lately due to exams or MAYBE,,, tt guy,, 'K'.. u noe who__ now exams are over,, rest more!! dun worry too much bout eng.. hope ur class assignment can help push up ur marks.. bout other subject,, i tink it wont be a problem for u.. 2 good news so far.. left with 4 more.. watever ur results is,, im always proud of u.. (:
I MISS MY TRUMPET!! gosh.. i miss blowing it.. seriously.. i cant wait for next tuesday,, BAND PRACTICE!! n also my last performance with my beloved members/juniors,, bedok library.. i dun wanna STEPDOWN!! :(
countdown to malay O lvl ~ 10 more days!
luckily there's no ss test today.. i did study,, but not tt much coz bonding.. quite managable for me.. :) malay lesson did letter writing n composition,, n i swear i seriously got nothing to write for the composition.. lol.. physic lesson did practical,, POA nothing much..
after school or should i say wen school nearly ends....................................
den went to have lunch with azri n michelle at KFC.. we eat n chat at the same time.. chatted bout marriage.. lols.. den bid goodbye to michelle,, n walked home with azri..
nothing "MUCH" happen today.. just.....
[am i being TOO sensitive?? am i behaving lyk aidil?? cant take things too seriously?? im confused with myself.. but i dunno y he lyks to make me feel angry or tease me?? which i dun really tease him or made him feels angry.. is he trying to entertain me by saying gangster so there's lyk a smile on my face?? i always say the word knn,, but it HURTS me alot.. coz i can feel the pain he felt wen someone say knn infront of him.. is it becoz younger brothers are lyk that.. so naughty.. but at least he's not as bad/evil as my real brother.. but sumtyms,, i tink he's too much.. haiz.. im nt gonna start another misunderstanding.. i had enough since the last tym.. it hurts wen we quarrel.. sorry dik..]
AMELIA SWEET 16 PARTY WAS AWESOME!!!luckily i was almost recovered! thought i couldnt attend the party,, but it turns out tt after seeing the doctor,, eat medicine,, im feeling much better to go for the party.. :) couldnt really upload most of the pics.. some is still with hafsah.. most probably by this week i will upload everything.. but i didnt really take lots of photo's..
yesterday nothing much happen.. malay lessons now are fun!! i have been concentrating doing all the ws.. yeah~ i tink ill target B3/A2.. except fer the peribahasa section.. haiz.. dun tink can make it fer tt section.. but nvm.. 5 marks only..
had eng oral today.. n found out tt its prelim oral!! overall i tink i did quite ouhk.. felt nervous but i tink should be ouhk ba.. :) after school,, which ended quite early,, went home straight.. wat a coincidence,, saw adik in the bus.. AS PER NORMAL,, he shouted tt iritating word.. but who cares.. he wan say,, he say la.. his problem.. ignore is the best thing.. coz i tink im nt wat he said i am.. :)
IM STILL SICK!!! :'(kepala macam nak pecah! i cant concentrate much in school.. sumting happen just now which made me felt damn worried about.. *crying* :(

see how relax this two cuties are.. syiok right?? if only i were them..
~got someone to feed them~got someone to pampered them~got someone to bath them~got someone to play with themI NEED REST!! just lyk the two of them.. 18 more days to O'level MT paper n tink im nt tt prepared yet.. intensive schedule are out.. this friday til next friday will be having 2 hours of MT per day.. OMG!! lol.. nvm.. just gonna bear it for 18 days.. after no more MT!! yeah~ at least get B3 n above good liao.. i dun wanna retake.. waste money.. -,-
early morning after getting ready for school,, suddenly feel lyk vomiting n i cant see the view well.. headache here n there.. n i walk
terhuyung-hayang.. lyk ppl just drink wine.. lol.. thought of not going to school.. but i guess in the bus i better get at least some rest.. coz confirm today need update files again.. humph.. my guess was right.. SS n physics lesson check files.. not only my file,, but abang,, matt n joe.. was freaking stressed up la.. but in the end everything was done! phew~ but nt really i guess.. i dunnoe maths n amaths how.. they will surely ask for help again.. but,, nvm.. im use to it.. *good girl* :P
had fire drills while helping joe update his physics file.. lol.. we didnt really exit using the evacuation thingy.. was suppose to exit using the office staircase but almost half of the class went down using the library staircase.. den filbert was lyk "ehk,, come up,, come up.. wrong staircase.." some went up,, not all.. mr ong at the elab was observing us la.. surely he will talk about our class at the multi-purpose court.. lol.. hell yeah he did talk about our class.. some walk over the office corridor n the rest was using the real exit but take our own sweet tym.. we're even the last class.. mr leong also talk about our class.. -,-
after school,, thought can chase adik so can take bus together,, coz im lyk got no one to go home with,, but end up he took bus home liao.. lol.. end up i go home alone but will be meeting my sis to buy kak inul's present.. went home after buying her present.. n now blogging but going to finish up ALL my unattended malay ws.. before she kao bei me again tomorrow.. SHIBA!! before i do my ws,, wishing kak inul,, happy 24th birthday!! hope u lyk the present we bought just now.. lol.. stay happy,, hot,, cute always!! good luck for all ur competitions tt u entered!!
woke up in the morning,, my body was feeling damn warm.. got the feeling tt im gonna get
high fever.. :( after salam my mum she also say tt my body is feeling damn warm.. haiz.. i couldnt really drag myself to school.. my body all weak! plus all the files tt i have to carry to school.. :( didnt meet germaine but instead i walk to school with madam.. was supposed to proceed to own class for temperature taking.. n at tt point of tym,, my body temperature's getting worst.. after taking temperature,, found out tt my temperature was
38.99°C!! luckily abang was late.. if not he will surely tell mdm poon.. i told rusy n she kept on asking me to go home.. i dun wan!! i hate absent myself from school.. in the logbook,, i wrote 37.12°C.. lol.. throughtout lessons i wasnt really paying attention.. coz i cant concentrate tt much summore im shivering.. while waiting for MT lesson rusy told adik bout it n he also ask me go home.. -_- today is the worst malay lesson i have ever attend.. she's making a fuss about my file!! shiba her la.. just coz of some ws unattended,, she wanna make a big fuss out of it.. can return back to me n ask me complete it right? no need to kao bei alot right! with my tt kind of condition,, she's making things worst.. during POA lesson i was half dead.. i cant take it any longer.. while waiting for mdm poon to come,, i slept fer a few mins.. wen she arrived,, she ask me whether im ouhk or not.. is it coz of the warm weather.. i said no.. im feeling cold.. matt fian jeremy n abang was lyk WTF! cold?! i shouldnt tell mdm poon im feeling cold.. SHIT!! she will surely noe sumting's wrong with me.. i quickly turn around n talk to rusy.. opps.. after school,, dengan semangat azri wans to accompany me go see doctor,, but it turns out tt it close n will open tonight,, 7 plus.. i hate going to the doctor at night.. my dad will surely dun wanna send me n i have to take bus on my own.. so,, im lazy to go see doctor tonight.. -_- now my body still warm!! T.T
hmmm.. yesterday's mother day,, didnt give anything to my mummy.. but a hug n a kiss.. :) being asked by adik to do it.. but i guess its worth it.. T.T thanx for giving me the courage to do it.. :) today,, adik accompany me go buy this frame which i broke it yesterday.. lol.. roy accompanied us too.. thanx.. both of them were being TOO childish at the escalator.. lol.. nt gonna elaborate more.. after that went home n was kinda bored.. but,, my boredness had gone after me n my cousin decided to watch dvd.. we watched rush hour 1, 2 n 3 straight from 3pm till 8 45pm.. fun sia.. with all the laughing here n there n no one disturb us.. :) except for his parents kept on asking him to go study for his mid-yr.. lol.. after the show,, pack my bag n here i am blogging.. suddenly my mum nag from outside ask me go wash tammy n tabby.. -,- gtg already.. need clean those 2 cats.. anyways,, just wishing good luck to the sec 1 to sec 3 for the coming mid-year!! especially my adiks!! study hard ya!
had a package tour [mother's day] yesterday to melaka.. the trip was ouhk.. except fer this.. after our late breakfast at johore,, we headed to 'Avillion Legacy Melaka' hotel to have our lunch n prayers.. is a two hour journey from johore to melaka.. wateva it is reached there at about 2pm n had our prayers.. while ambil air wudhuk,, OMG!! all the makcik2 n nenek2 berebutkn toilet.. irritating sey.. n im lyk the only teenager praying there.. shiba.. n summore its very squeezy.. after prayer had our lunch till 4 plus n headed to pahlawan mall for our shopping.. :) bought a dress,, but dunno shall i wear it fer amelia's birthday party?? anyway reached singapore around 9 plus going 10pm.. thank god there's no traffic congestion.. reached home watch manja lara n chatted with adik n rahim.. today woke up,, dun feel lyk going to religious class.. but still,, i drag myself up n get ready to go for religious class.. nothing much gonna happen today.. not going to fian's house as azri's not free.. there go my chance of seeing nagieb.. :( nvm perhaps other day.. there's no school tomorrow.. guess im gonna be bored tomorrow.. someone please ask me out!! before i end my post,, wishing all the mummy's out there [especially my mummy] a
abang nvr come skool today.. humph.. in class sit alone throughout the day.. lol.. geog class was fun!! suddenly it rains cats n dogs.. we waste tym close the window,, shift our sits here n there.. n its so hard fer ms kong to carry on the lesson.. lol.. was stressed up updating SS file.. all the ws dunno wats the date.. plus we have a lazy teacher which keeps on asking us wats the date,, wats the ws.. lol. she nearly gave up on us.. but in the end no.. after school went home straight, need to dig out all the ws n headed to azri house to do filing.. while filing,, sms qanitah.. was so happy today that i got a 'NEW' sister.. yeah~
*SITI QANITAH*.. after doing filing,, bused down to MRT station to meet my parents.. while walking towards the MRT,, kinda slip but didnt fall down tt hard.. SHIBA all these ppl.. drop the ice-cream dunno how to pick up n throw away.. poor me.. :( luckily i didnt fall down tt hard.. haiz.. this few days have been falling down.. my body all aching!! PAIN!
not a very good day today.. was fasting but didnt eat or drink anything in the morning.. after school,, was with germaine joyce n nana.. wanted to go home but the art students has to stayback.. so chilled with them awhile den left around 4 plus coz there's lots of humanities hw i havent finish.. bout yesterday problem was brought up today.. :( at the school bus stop,, was being asked by fiq to talk to her just to get a good relation for the sake of adik.. wateva it is i dare myself go talk to her intro myself bla bla bla.. he was suppose to accompany her,, but he also wanna accompany me.. so he's mind kinda cramped.. in the bus both 'hujan lebat'.. lol.. adik,, im so so so sorry for bringing up tt stupid matter.. i noe u wouldnt leave me.. i guess im being too emtional?? wateva it is just wanna say tt u're the best brother i ever had in my life.. though u're not a real bother.. hope this relationship stay longer k? i just hope tt i wont be sad anymore n not gonna let down my tears.. luv ya lots!! :)
had malay mid-year today.. paper 1 was ouhk.. manage to do it.. paper 2 abit sucky.. especially bina ayat n comprehension.. paper 3 at first was tricky but after listening to it again,, manage to get the answer.. after school bused down to inter with azri rusy adik.. den took 18 to afghan to have our lunch! we saw erlin montel actress there.. lol.. lots of funny things happen there especially wen azri ordered his food.. after lunch,, took 28 home n herer i am blogging.. just now after washing tammy n tabby,, i
fell down in the toilet.. n now my body aching everywhere! PAIN!!
lessons are ouhk today.. only 1 or 2 lesson sleep.. lol.. after school will be staying back with adik to wait fer his NPCC frens.. after school met germaine n slack with her for awhile.. after tt she slack with us at the canteen while waiting fer yuki.. had lots of fun with adik rahim n fiq.. laugh here n there non-stop.. oh ya.. dun forget rahim n fiq being gay.. lols.. poor roy n amirul always get punish by mr tan.. :( waited till about 6.30pm n off we go to esso.. they bought food n slack till 7plus.. bused down to tampines n accompany rahim to tampines mall.. it was fun to hang around with them but a little bit irritating here n there.. lols..
though im tired,, i still have to go to school today.. :( came into the class n sleep.. slept fer 2 hours[assembly n maths period].. during POA didnt really sleep but was feeling very sleepy n tired.. english n malay surprising i didnt sleep.. coz got ppl entertain me.. :) chem n physics,, put my head down den sleep until ms nur n ms wang approach me.. lols.. hope i can get a lot of rest tonight.. PE did nothing much.. accompany ppl retake their 2.4km tt's all..
TIRED TIRED!!was damn tired today.. didnt had enough of rest.. been busy helping out with my aunt wedding preparation tomorrow.. was kinda pissed of RIGHT NOW!! im so freaking sleepy but i still carry on doing the cupcake for tomorrow.. my sis who is doing nothing can just stare at me n cant be bothered to help me.. WTF!! she tink tt im nt tired? everyone's tired ouhk! including me!! haiz.. i dunno y my bro n sis is lyk using me.. everything me.. y cant they be lyk sayfun or willson or azri or umar?? though they irritate/disturb me in school,, at least they show some care n concern towards me.. how i wish they were my biological siblings.. SHIBA!! i really got no mood right now.. thanx adik fer the advise.. appreciate it.. :)
went johore today to attend a wedding ceremony.. on the way there,, there's traffic congestion at malaysia checkpoint n summore it was freaking HOT!! me n my cousin were all sweating la.. weather nowadays.. tsk tsk tsk.. reached there help out here n there n went to the mosque for their engagement ceremony.. was quite sleepy n i nearly doze of during the ceremony.. :P am i anti-social?? was nearly going to my lala land but there's this girl she's lyk touching me.. i thought she's lyk waking me up or sumting.. suddenly she wans to talk to me.. -,- she ask me lots of qns.. i did ans.. but.... i didnt asked her any qns.. she ask wats my name,, i ans but instead i never ask her wats her name.. so she's lyk staring at me for ahile n i just look away.. OMG!! am i tt anti-social?? in religious class also i never had any frens before.. coz i dun talk to them.. n i cant be bothered.. lol.. back to the story.. went back to the house shake hands here n there n again she approach me.. she ask me for my email n stuff.. well i did talk to her.. but i was stammering.. so.. who cares.. as long as i talked to her.. n guess wat.. she introduce her name to me instead of me asking.. lol.. after tt wen back to singapore n luckily the road was not so busy.. n lucky tonight no need to help tt much.. but this weekend im gonna be busy with my aunt wedding preparation.. sure gonna be tired wen school reopen on monday plus with my condition right now.. haiz.. only adik knows.. arghhh!!