received final message tt there wont be band practice today.. so baking cake after school is so on.. yeah.. after school,, went to find some stuff n headed straight to azri's house n started baking.. baked till 8 plus den while packing up,, yong su called.. want to conference.. at first use azri's phone den in the end use stephen's phone.. talked all the way till i took bus home..
met up with germaine yong su n joyce today.. later assembly we will be performing fer the coming SYF.. see wat it feels lyk.. lols.. went esso den walked back to school.. sayang puke many tyms.. coz she got gastric flu?? poor girl.. performance was ouhk.. after performance was stars awards giving.. got care n commitment.. was so ps la.. after receiving the prize must stand in the middle n take pic.. i dun mind fer commitment coz there's lots of band members.. but fer care,, im lyk the only sec 5's there.. haiz.. ps.. after tt went back fer lesson.. den after school got band practice just to touch up a little bit more.. will be having practice tomorrow.. haiz.. shouldnt we be resting.. nvm.. thought of baking cake fer mirah n tang tao.. but i guess after band den straight go azri house.. today band end damn late.. luckily mdm heryani send me atikah n rusy home.. dun wan to bother uncle today coz they'll be eating dinner.. :)
yesterday lesson was ouhk.. class still very stuffy.. haiz.. dun they realise tt without a good study environment,, we cant concentrate on our studies?? haiz.. after school had lunch with sayang.. den went fer band practice.. today practice was
FUN.. sms sayang,, me n zy prank venus,, jin hyeok talked alot?? YS knee down at me,, begging me to apologise to him.. stuffs lyk tt.. lols.. today need to be in school by 7am.. was deciding should i stay over at sayang house yesterday?? in the end,, made up my mind n decided to stay over at her place fer a night.. so,, her mummy allowed so does my mummy.. after practice,, went home straight,, changed,, packed stuff n off i went to sayang house.. met her at the void deck n went up to her apartment.. saw her mummy,, sis n sis fren.. chill in her room while waiting fer the chinese show to start n her daddy went in to check on us n asked me few questions.. sayang,, ur daddy was ouhk, ok.. 9pm,, went to watch the chinese show n sayang made me some food.. thanx ya!! her sis was lyk playing with balloons,, infact everyone does.. germaine wanted her sis to teach her how to make sword.. she did learn how to make,, but wen it comes to the twisting part,, she was lyk scared.. but in the end,, she braved herself n managed to twist it n made a sword.. yeah.. ^^ sad we couldnt take pic with it coz we were lyk forgotten bout it.. nvm ba.. other days we take k? after the show went back to her room.. before heading to the room there's this moth flying n germaine was scared.. shiba moth.. lols.. in the end her sis caught the moth n its lyk flying around the container,, very noisy sia.. use the com till 11 plus.. den wen to bed.. wen lying down on the bed,, told her many stories but end up she slept liao.. n im lyk making a fool out of myself by talking alone.. lols.. nvm ba.. she must be very tired.. so slept around 12.10am n today woke up around 4am.. no choice coz we will be having breakfast at macdonalds n will be meeting YS n joyce at 5.45am? bused down to siglap macdonalds n we were lyk the first customer fer the day.. joyce n yong su were there already.. so all of us ate hotcakes n dunno wat happen,, the syrup stick at germaine's hair?? lols.. poor girl.. after breakfast bused down to school n saw eric at the bus stop.. ouhk good tt he's not late.. reached school,, did our warm up all tt n headed to infocomm room.. den
PERFORMANCE!! received good comments bout today's performance.. :) after tt,, had lunch n den germaine needs to go.. me n joyce send her den went back band room fer short practice.. today went home with alot of people.. dunno y suddenly everyone was
HYPER in the bus.. is lyk we own tt bus.. lols.. sayang,, will tell u everything happens after u left today asap k? :) monday,, there will be another performance to prepare us fer SYF in front of the whole school.. after tt will be receiving stars awards prize.. :)
pics taken.. yesterday,,
tired huh??



steve n diah.. :)
there wont be any band practice today.. mdm heryani wan give us a break? so today slacking still on? i guess.. but during recess germaine went home coz she's not feeling well :( at first she allowed us to slack,, but wat a coincidence, her mum went home n she said tt we couldnt.. so.. nvm.. rest well sayang.. :) after school went home straight.. was damn tired today due to the lack of sleep yesterday.. haiz.. better have an early rest today.. coz tomorrow got band.. den saturday the actual day..
fer the past two days have been busy with rehearsal fer annual awards day.. been release from class at 2pm n had rehearsal.. today school commence at 10am due to the so called final rehearsal.. so we have to be in school by 7am latest 7.15am.. so met up with joyce n germaine at 6am n headed to esso fer breakfast.. otw back to school,, saw azri n walked back together.. do our own warm-up n den went to infocomm room to setle down.. rehearsal was ouhk.. quite nervous with rockology.. coz the graduating class were lyk the audience.. my legs were shaky.. lols.. after tt we had macdonalds fer breakfast.. but sad have to eat during recess.. after the rehearsal went back to class n had normal lesson till 3.30pm.. btw,, today changed our ezlink card n they put my primary school photo.. i look so fat!! ppl kept on saying tt its cute n funny.. lols.. dunno y.. cant wait to show it to jay.. :) after school,, went to have lunch with sayang yong su lay kai pp n mavis.. we ate western food.. *yum yum.. dunno y today was so hyper.. kept on saying hot hot hot.. lols.. kept on laughing non-stop.. tomorrow will be slacking at germaine house.. so we can talk non-stop.. lols..
jy ccmb.. :)
yesterday stayed at home watch dvd's.. did nothing much actually.. today met germaine n joyce at germaine's void deck around 1.30pm.. went to her house n slack awhile while waiting for shirley n venus.. at about 2.30pm they reach.. so we decided to go to eastpoint n have lunch at KFC.. all bought the $2.90 meal n the pepsi got no gas.. shirley not happy go talk to the counter ppl n ask them to change all our drinks.. not only we all complain lor.. got one aunty also complain.. haiz.. still dare to say pepsi got gas meh.. shiba la** after our lunch we headed to changi rise n had the party.. it was fun.. playing with balloons.. pranking ppl?? lols.. really enjoy myself.. after tt we had pizza.. den we went swimming.. i guess next celebration will be yong su's birthday.. lols.. went off tt place around 10pm.. den headed home straight.. tomorow got school,, got rehearsal.. better off my com now n go to bed..
pics taken.. :)
joyce n diah..
diah n wei li..

diah venus xc..

shirley diah venus

sayang n diah!!
baby n diah..

diah n venus..

emo?? lols..
had to go back to school in the morning for chem lessons taught by teacher from other schools.. it was ouhk. managed to absorb more knowledge.. lols.. after tt around 11.45am met germaine joyce n yong su n we headed to KFC fer lunch.. met atikah at the bus stop too n went fer lunch.. after lunch went back to school for band practice.. luckily tomorrow got no practice.. :) after band thought of surprising jay at the airport.. but his flight was at 7 pm.. so by the tym i reach there,, he went in already.. nvm.. next tym he go holiday then i send him.. :) cant wait for sunday's party..
didnt really have amaths today just tt mr yew will only be having lesson with umar.. but umar wans me to accompany him.. so i had to woke up early n meet him in school.. but luckily gt azri who's going fer his art at 10 am too.. went to school with him n meet umar in school.. went up to class but there's no one.. PLUS the air-con lyk not working.. OMG!! me n umar was lyk in the class wait fer teacher.. in the end we called him n ask him where is he.. he said there's no class bla bla bla.. we got lyk 2 hrs to wait till physics class starts.. sian.. should just stay at home.. -,- so we waited in the class with the hot environment till 11.15 am n went to esso accompanied by faris too.. walked back top school back n waited till 12 pm.. had physics practical n not a lot ppl attend.. but ms wang just carry on with the practical.. after tt had 1 hr break.. went to have band practice fer awhile before heading fer chem class.. luckily chem class doesnt end at 5.30 pm.. it ended around 3.45 pm,, means tt i can go for band practice.. yeah!! after band practice,, left the room early n took bus 14.. will be watching 'Hotel for Dogz' today with jay.. n the show starts at 6.50 pm.. so since 14 came first,, i took 14.. met jay at the control-station n bought mac n sneak in.. lols.. the show was great.. gonna watch '17 again' once the shows revealed.. after the show went home straight.. jay will be leaving singapore tomorrow.. just have to say "have a wonderful journey to australia n a save journey back to singapore.. enjoy ur holidays ya!!"
again today baby woke up late.. so i waited for her in school again.. daddy say today not going fishing.. everyone's buzy with their own stuff.. so today's outing cancel.. :( had amaths lesson again n mr yew said tt friday there wont be any class.. so yeah,, i can meet my sayangs n darlings for lunch.. since today not going out,, baby jio me go have lunch.. so after amaths class we went to S11 for lunch.. after lunch went home straight.. around 3 plus daddy buy food.. OMG.. im kinda full.. but since he buy already,, i just eat the food.. after eating,, finally got the time to watch the hindi movie tt michelle borrowed me.. the show was
*AWESOME*.. wanna watch it again but sad tomorrow need to return her the disc.. nvm.. other days can borrow again.. lols.. tomorrow will be a tiring day.. better get an early rest.. so in the evening can watch hotel for dogs without dozing off.. lols..
thought of meeting baby today n go school together,, but it turns out tt she woke up late.. nvm.. instead i waited for her in school.. went for amaths class n only a few turn up.. lols.. all was quite hungry.. so mr yew went to buy curry puff for us.. thanx cher.. after class,, went to meet my sayangs n darlings to have lunch at KFC before heading for band practice.. practice was ouhk today.. but almost half didnt turn up.. sian..
*random pic..
went to changi beach today.. it was drizzling every now n den.. but who cares.. we're swimming anyway.. so if get wet also nvm.. so yeah.. help daddy to set up some stuff to catch crab.. yeah.. so in the end managed to catch 5 crabs.. lols.. after catching some crab,, went to the beach with my sis my bro n cousin.. do some spa?? lols.. dunno wats wrong with the weather?? at first drizzle den rain den stop raining den drizzle again.. in the end it rains.. so we decided to pack up n leave.. we might come back again on wed but not at changi.. this tym round daddy wan go casting fish.. wed after school must go home straight.. cannot loiter.. lols.. tomorrow start schooling.. sian..
woke up late today n luckily there's no religious class.. really felt sorry for jay as this was my second time postponing the movie day to other days.. nvm.. this thursday by hook or by crook,, we will surely go watch movie.. :D :D :D :D nothing much to post today.. just tt only tomorrow,, sat n sun im free.. other days,, SCHOOL!! arghhh... tomorrow's daddy on leave.. we're off to the beach.. yeah!!
just went back from 2D1N camp.. lols.. it was FUN!! had lots of fun at night n the second day.. before tt,, better dun mention liao.. it just happen lyk tt.. haiz.. before talking bout camp,, school.. didnt go to school with azri michelle n xc coz im meeting my sayangs at the hill at 6!! can u imagine 6?? i have to wake up extra early just to meet them.. nvm.. well,, i was late.. lols.. the bus came so slow.. reach school's lyk 6.40am?? my usual time last time with jay.. now no more.. haha.. XD after tt we decided to put our camping bags outside music n went to esso fer breakfast.. we reach back school on time n i guess they help us put our bags in.. thanx.. so lesson.. hmmm... malay did nothing heavy.. just a normal practice paper.. geog go through answer.. eng!! sad.. mrs cheong is leaving us.. means tt we're gonna change eng teacher.. AGAIN!! OMG!! this sucks man.. im bad at eng n the teachers are like changing here n there.. aiyo.. so sickening.. lols.. ss lesson was fun.. we did nothing but mrs haniff told us her childhood stories.. it was so interesting.. haha.. maths lesson?? still doing sets.. but i didnt pay attention.. instead me n jerome played chess.. lols.. jerome lost! thanx to his so called formation.. haha... finally,, BAND CAMP!! we had rehearsals for the annual awards day n after tt was the PTM.. luckily my dad didnt attend it.. coz if he does,, my mum will surely go.. while waiting fer the sec 2s to came back to the band room........ NVM.. skip tt part.. after the incident,, finally throughout 4yrs of studying in chai chee i got to go to the boys toilet level 1.. -,- den i guess jin hyeok n samuel shock see me in the toilet.. lols.. n tt stephen came in n kinda scare me.. lols.. too many things too update.. kinda tired now.. lols.. didnt had a good sleep last night.. den today wake up lyk so sleepy.. but.. i really had lots of fun ONLY... after the incident.. lols.. wen going home just now,, it was raining heavily.. have to wait for the rain to drizzle den we walked to the bus stop n took 10 home.. i guess tomorrow cannot watch movie with jay again.. sad.. IM SO SO SO SORRY!! this thursday we watch k?? dun care la whose going or not.. we two go also nvm.. lols.. SORRY JAY!! damn tired la frm the camp.. :(

school was ouhk today.. nothing much happen.. just tt we have to do lots of file checking.. but only after school.. ms nur asked us to stayback for file checking.. my file was not ouhk coz i didnt do correction for common test paper.. n she said tt i disgrace her.. OMG.. cant believe she said tt.. on tuesday i already told her i wan my file back.. but it turns out tt she actully forgot my request.. n now she say tt im uncharacteristic.. pls luh.. im not wat u tink i am.. is ur fault for not giving back my file n now u're saying all this things to me.. thanx ehk.. was pissed off with her la.. afetr school went back with azri michelle n hanisah.. again today took 10 with jay again.. :) jay went to my house n slack while waiting for stanley to finish his school.. tomorrow's band camp!! cant wait for it.. but it'll end fast.. surely.. how i wish there's 3D2N.. nvm.. june holidays pls have 3D2N camp!!
was kinda boredafter school today.. need to wait for azri finish his PDS.. but i wouldnt wan to wait for him in school.. den if go home also got nothing to do.. so sms wei li during lesson asked her if after school wan go anywhere not.. she got dentist appointment so she asked me to go out with germaines instead.. she help me asked germaine wan go lunch after school.. germaine said ouhk but they have to wait for me for half an hour.. so after school saw them eating,, n i was lyk y suddenly they eat.. say wan to eat outside.. she say still eating la.. she still got money to eat.. lols.. so after school thought of eating at this foodcourt near bedok stadium.. but since wei li cant go tt far,, we decided to eat siglap KFC.. so me joyce germaine n wei li went to KFC n have lunch.. wei li went off first.. den me germaine n joyce stay there n chatted for awhile coz i need to meet jay n stanley.. we left KFC around 3.50pm n bused down to tampines.. jay sms saying tt he finish school liao.. since im in the bus,, we might meet each other in the bus.. lols.. in the end yeah we do meet each other in bus.. lols.. so again went to CS level 2 and slack there to let time pass.. around 5 plus went home to change n meet azri at the playground.. took 293 to his house n guess wat.. we got free ride.. the bus was so crowded tt the driver didnt realise tt we didnt tap our card.. so yeah free ride.. went to his house to bake cupcakes for kieroy min rui her tien n szu wei.. baked till 8.50pm n i had to go liao.. wan watch the chinese show.. lols.. reached home was late by few mins.. blog for awhile n now got to watch the show liao.. so bb ppl..
school was ouhk today.. was nearly late today n the side gate close already.. so we start breeze walking and the SC at the main gate asked us to start running.. so we ran.. luckily we're not late.. reached school already,, jeremy asked us to walk faster.. lols.. so while walking there's this SC.. wah she very wat lor.. wanna act BIG only.. this is wat she said.. "if u never run to the hall,, i'll consider u as late!" wtf la.. act so big only.. we in schol already wat.. wan act big only.. go die la.. call germaine den u noe.. lols.. during recess,, bounce up with stephen n yong su.. talk to them for awhile bout germaine.. called germaine out for awhile n asked her y must say sorry all those things lar.. i thought they ouhk liao.. but it turns out tt during lunch they were lyk screaming to each other.. while trying to solve their problem,, another problem occur.. farhan throw pen at germaine den germaine revenge but the pen hit wei li.. den wei li cry.. alamak.. 2ea very problematic lei.. after 1 problem another problem occur.. haiz.. afetr school,, kieroy min rui hertien n szu wei treated the whole sec 5 n teachers pizza.. thanx ya!! during band try to solve their problem.. got fed-up n say to both of them if they never solve their problem im not gonna talk to them.. in the end,, they solve their problems.. FINALLY!!
we had a new english teacher,, mrs cheong.. again change teacher.. haiz.. how to pass english lyk tt?? during PE lesson,, mr azhar take over mr foo for some reason.. we played this game crab football?? dunno wat is called.. we can only pass the ball to our team by crawling n throw.. is lyk how crab walks la.. we played a few rounds n my team always lose.. so we have to do jumping jack.. stupid.. but anyway had fun la.. den next game is the same but this tym we stand up n play.. only can run few steps.. also lose.. no choice.. after school me azri n rusy accompanied kieroy to PP buy present for min rui,, her tien n szu wei.. after buying took 31 home.. reached home,, chatted with stephen bout germaine.. tomorrow must help them solve their problem before band camp this friday..
cant sleep yesterday night.. dunno y.. probably coz today going to malaysia? lols.. mum kept on asking me to sleep but i cant.. in the end switched off my laptop n went to bed if not she'll nag.. so today woke up at 5am.. prove to her tt even though i sleep late i can wake up.. lols.. woke up, got ready n waited for my aunt to come n fetch us.. at first fetch my cousin den off we go to johore.. after the malaysia checkpoint,, went to have breakfast.. throughout the journey,, i slept.. was so tired due to the lack of sleep last night.. lols.. reached muar,, shake hands here n there,, n have our lunch.. didnt really wait for the bride.. so we just bid goodbye coz tomorrow some schooling n some working.. so we left tt place n went to this shopping mall in johore n shop for awhile.. after shopping,, went back to singapore n get ready for tomorrow's school..
was kinda bored today at home.. at first decided to go to kim's house but she didnt give her answer yet.. luckily jay sms me n ask me out.. finally!! out from home.. met him n stanley at tam inter around 1.45pm as per normal stanley's late.. lols.. went to TM n CS to search for some stuff.. den went to level 2 CS to consider should jay buy or not.. in the end jay bought it n we went to TM to buy my new school bag.. yeah.. after buying school bag,, went to have dinner at pastamania. thought of going PP,, but NO.. not going there.. lols.. while having dinner,, it was raining cats n dogs.. OMG.. how to go home lols.. i forgot to bring umbrella.. we had dinner n after tt stanley still wan buy chicken at old chang kee.. so we went there n his chicken not ready yet.. so have to wait fer 15mins.. but after 15mins his chicken still not ready yet lor.. stupid aunty.. say 15mins but end up is going to be half an hour to get stanley's chicken.. after buying chicken we went to CS level 2 n slack while waiting fer the rain to stop n also azri to buy kieroy's bithday present.. azri reached already, we made our move to TM n buy kieroy's present.. got him this shirt which was cool.. lols.. btw,, just now at 77th street,, jay made me laugh non-stop la.. seriously it was damn funny.. lols.. after tt it was kinda drizzling.. so azri decided to take bus home.. while jay n stanley went to my house n slack fer awhile.. asked jay to help me do my geog hw n stanley use my laptop.. around 8pm they left.. send them off at the traffic light n bid goodbye.. went to return vcd n went home.. mum called me n ask me whether i wan go johore or not tomorrow.. den i said ouhk coz i dun wan go religous class.. lols.. leaving to malaysia tomorrow.. sad cannot watch movie with jay.. sorry jay.. :( other day k?
the day has arrived.. my sayangs n darlings are coming back today from their camp!! cant wait to see them later during band.. lessons today was ouhk.. after school rushed down to the canteen to meet germaine.. saw her gave her lots of hug.. lols.. helped her carry ppl's bag to the band room n she told us lots of story aboout the camp.. didnt have proper warm-up.. went to manjusri secondary for music exchange.. our performance wasnt tt good.. probably due to the tiredness our junior had.. aww.. but anyway after the exchange all went back to school with the face moody.. haiz.. nvm ba.. luckily tomorrow dun have another music exchange.. all tired to perform.. after band,, uncle send me sayfun n haniff home.. **THANX UNCLE SIM FOR SENDING US HOME!
us at manjusri secondary..

let the pics do the talking yeah?..

cool huh~

credits to mel..

amel n diah

first time taking pic with the foreigners after 4 yrs knowing them,,
this pic,, jie fu spoil the pic!!

this one,, tang tao.. lols..

dian n tang tao
diah n min rui

jie fu n da sao
rusy play at the water playground n splash the water n hit my skirt..
suddenly realise tt it forms heart shape..
another one~
us with the tour guide..
recycled bottles..
diah n danial
mat n minah!
abang n adik
map of singapore..
diah n xc
diah n umar
foreva frens since sec 1..
nisah n diah
had lots of fun today!! tomorow my darlings n sayangs are coming back.. faster tomorow lei..
was suppose to go for an outing at marina barrage with 4Es today.. but end up the 4Ns went to marina barrage coz of the loads of activities today till our outing was postponed to tomorrow.. tt means today study?! OMG.. we brought nothing to prepare for the day la.. maths lesson did nothing.. chemistry got back our paper n i scored 25 out of 50.. nn my geog i scored 9.5 out of 25.. -,- well, at first i dun care.. but since i aim to go to... i felt tt i have to buck up on my weaker subject.. tt means my POA too.. i drop alot for POA.. from A1 to A2 n now B3.. oh dear.. :( during recess,, ate pulut n waited for the sec 2s to come down as they're gonna go for a 3D2N camp at labrador..
IM GONNA MISS ALL MY SAYANGS N DARLINGS!! germaine,, stephen,, mirah,, wei li,, yong su,, venus,, royshton,, shimone,, zhi wei,, zhi an,, zhong di,, qiang di n my band baby's.. lols.. so after recess didnt get to see them.. recess break gonna end soon,, sec 2s havent come down.. so at first was sad coz i thought i couldnt give them my hug.. but after going to the second level,, saw them going down by the hall staircase.. so ran down n meet them.. gave germaine,, mirah,, wei li,, stephen,, royshton n shimone a warm hug..
GONNA MISS THEM BADLY.. faster friday lei.. :( anyways,, enjoy ur camp sec 2s n 3s!! after school went home straight n around 5 plus azri reached my house to take tammy n tabby picture for his coursework..
got back amaths paper.. was proud that i got 31 out of 40!! yeah an A1.. gonna prove to Mr Tan tt from an F9 can jump to A1!! lols.. glad tt everyone pass.. :) today also got back physics paper.. again everyone passed.. :) i got 38 out of 50.. another A1.. but dunno wat will happen to chem.. pass?? fail?? after school went fer band practice straight as this week we gonna have 2 days music exchange at manjusri sec n nan chiao high.. sir will come late coz of the ballot thingy.. so we practice as a band.. cousin kept on going to the trumpets n ask us to practice bar 23.. sian.. but instead i always get rid of him.. lols.. fun part was,, me sayang venus n qiang di was blowing part E wen suddenly the whole band join in.. cool.. 5 plus sir came n he tell us the details bout the SYF.. it will be on april fools day.. n tt day lots of gold band will be competing with us.. haiz.. just hope we wont get anymore _ _ _!! *cross-finger*.. after band went home alone.. :( thought of asking uncle to send me home.. but he's kinda late.. so i bused home first left cousin waiting for his daddy.. :(
this week time-table change due to the programmes in school.. today had english n maths den study skills ws.. now english lesson was fun! now english lesson we start doing work already.. yeah! school ended early today.. 1pm.. syiok right end school early.. like that michelle will come school everyday even sat also.. right michelle? lol.. after school waited for the beloved ones n thought they going for band.. but end up all go separate ways.. so i went to germaine house slack coz will be leaving to hospital meet mummy n daddy to pay off all the remaining bills.. slack at germaine house; told her many stories.. n it was fun lar.. around 4pm left her house bused down to outram park n meet my parents.. pay all the bills n had dinner at kopitiam.. left tt place around 6.30pm n since daddy forgot to bring his cashcard,, he cant drive past the CBD area.. so he drove another route n there's traffic conjestion!! we were stuck fer about an hour.. haiz.. but in the end managed to get out from there.. so reached home around 8pm n gave daddy his present.. he was kinda shock n kept on asking 'expensive right?' i just ignore him n he said thanx.. :) updated band blog n now updating my blog.. better have a good rest tonight.. if nt tomorrow very sleepy in class..
WHAT A DAY!!went fer religious class today as per normal.. i have to cross the road to take the bus at the opposite bus stop.. i didnt realise tt there's
TWO traffic police on duty.. so i just cross the road n wen i reached the centre of the road, i just realised tt there's
TWO traffic police.. so i waited fer the
green light n just walk faster without them catching me.. i nearly gt caught la.. after religious class went home help mummy clean the house n switched on my laptop.. dunno wats wrong with ppl nowadays.. felt sad after finding out bout this particular person.. anyway,,