supposingly today meet azri at 6am.. but both of us were slightly late.. so end up we meet the rest at 6.45am.. after meeting they all,, we walk to esso n bought breakfast.. walk back to school n had warm up till 9am before proceeding to the hall.. our holding room was at the info com room,, so 9am the percussion shifted everything to the hall while the rest go to the info com room to wait fer our turn.. so we had rehearsal n it was not tt good but can be improve.. after rehearsal principal talk to the whole load of us n den we had practice in the hall to check how our sound were.. wasnt in a good mood today due to some irresponsible person.. after practice,, went back to the band room n keep our instrument,, after all tt sumting sad happen.. nt gonna elaborate it.. it was damn sad n i couldnt resist it.. feng qiang kept on cooling me down n kept on calling me princess?! im nt a princess.. lols.. but anyway thanx ya.. in the end everything went back to normal n i tink there's no more NWL liao.. just forgive n forget.. so had lunch at KFC,, azri joined us.. i dun have the appetite to eat, so just stone there looking at the rest.. lols.. after lunch,, bused down to changi n bought daddy's present.. his birthday's coming..
*THANX AZRI FOR ACCOMPANYING ME* reached home chatted with germaine bout somebody n ask germaine to help translate it in japanese.. since he's good in japanese.. "クラスの停止行為!! 馬鹿のように行動している!!"
us at the KFC..
common test is finally over.. some paper were difficult to the max!! lyk eng n CHEM! eng no need to say.. chem,, a lot qns i do anyhow.. so far get back eng POA maths n physics result.. eng fail badly.. POA n maths pass.. physics,, miss wang came to our class n say tt the whole class pass physics n she's so proud.. :) den we all say 'ouhk den ms nur came in n say the whole class fail chem!' haha.. the paper too difficult la to most of us.. amaths paper was ouhk.. managed to do it. have hih comfident in passing it n im nt gonna talk to mr tan! phew~ geog ss n malay was ouhk la.. managable.. but geog,, maybe pass maybe fail.. lols.. i dun care.. today after school,, had band practice.. the sec 1's came,, n the main band has to do sectionals while sir handle the junior band.. had sectionals till 3pm n had full band till 6.15pm.. brief us bout tomorrow's attire all tt coz there will be rehearsal on the annual awards day.. first tym saw cousin so angry n shouted at the whole band.. poor cousin.. pity him lots.. :( tomorrow gonna meet germaine joyce n yong su at 6.30am but before tt meeting azri first.. hope he wont be late.. :)
**cousin n SSS,, chill k?? u noe our band is lyk tt so just relax.. i noe how u guys feel.. :)
met azri at the bus stop opposite library but it turns out tt he's late.. so sms-ed germaine saying tt i wont be able to meet her coz i missed the bus.. reach school,, went to have maths remedial till 9.30am n headed to the band room fer practice.. after practice,, went to have lunch at macdonalds n bused down to germaine house to play mahjong.. lols.. we played 1 game only(so pathetic) n keep the set coz only me n germaine knows how to play.. lols.. so after keeping,, we chilled n gossip.. before leving germaine's house,, we video-ed mirah n nana.. they did a music video on check yes juliet n it was so funny lar.. cant take it sia.. nana the juliet nn mirah the romeo.. lols.. is geting late liao.. before leaving germaine's house,, we took a picture.. but have to wait fer nana to send me.. after tt took 229 with venus to bedok inter n 168 back home.. had fun laughing n gossiping at germaine's house today.. next week starting of common test.. must start studying!! tomorrow's syikin birthday so just wishing her an advance birthday wish coz i wont be blogging till common test is over.. so,
this few days have been going home late due to the band practice after school.. wednesday,, had ss lesson at the bench near the field.. it was a great idea.. we can get to study in a different environment.. :) my bench was so shaky,, until if we all wan to sit must be carefull.. especially umar n azri.. lols.. yesterday,, pass the key to germaine to open the band room,, n dunno wat happen suddenly they are nt allowed to go into the band room until SSS finish his lesson.. in the end they took the key from SSS pocket n open the band room.. he came in with the angry face n talk to us about wat happen all those rubbish lar.. but in the end everything was ouhk.. today,, had amaths re-test.. it was ouhk.. but i tink i'll get 12 over 24.. haiz.. roughly there la.. nvm.. as long as never fail i happy liao.. i dun wan talk to mr tan.. after tt went to band room had warm-up.. been called up to the hall fer rehearsal n we did sound ceck n everything la.. after the choir was us.. we played st petersburg march,, dedication nn rockology.. the teachers will choose best 2.. so after we play those pieces,, sir went to talk to the VP n P.. both of them were smiling away while talking to sir n mrs haniff.. after all tt,, mrs haniff went to the stage n talk to us n gave us
GOOD comments!! :) she said tt instead of choosing 2 pieces,, we are playing all 3 pieces.. yeah!! i was so happy lar.. cant believe it wen she say tt we were good.. after all the rehearsal,, had break n had full band.. had fun talking crap with zy while it is nt our turn to blow.. lols.. but was abit sad with S&N.. haiz.. so sad.. nvm.. should nt elaborate it.. tomorrow there will be band practice,, but before tt will be having maths remedial till 8.30.. will meet germaine n azri tomorrow.. :) after band,, mdm heryani send rusy,, me n azri home..
after school,, went fer band practice as usual.. today practice was the most fun practice i've ever went to.. i took out the trombone n play with it.. wanted to noe whether i can blow it or not.. lols.. so wen yong su wan to try play the trombone,, the sliding part hit germaine.. germaine nt happy n wan to take revenge.. so she chase me the whole com lab 3 n i couldnt take it but just went out from the lab.. wah.. she still nt happy,, come chase me with the trombone.. i ran but in the end she gave up.. lols.. was fun lar today.. we tried to blow different types of instrument.. fun man.. lols..
todays the day!! really couldnt wait fer it bt it seems tt it ended quite fast.. haiz.. met up with shirley n venus at tam inter n went to century to have light lunch.. after tt bought drinks n mrt down to simei to meet up with the rest.. wei li was late.. lol.. so we bused down to the condo n chilled awhile... hug here n there,, there's this 4 umbrella table.. some of them started smoking.. so sayfun made this
'those who smoke pls go to other tables,, this table is fer non-smokers'.. not bad la.. coz i dun mind.. lol.. so tt table consists of the non-smokers; me sayfun cousin n haniff.. we were suppose to have party,, but cousin n sayfun bought their hw along n did it over there.. so i just help them along.. not long after,, we all decided to stop doing hw n join in the party.. took loads of pics.. cousin haniff germaine sayfun help to bbq the food.. most of them went swimming.. venus n shirley went to swim.. they sat at the edge of the pool,, me n germaine pushed venus from the back.. nn there goes venus in the pool.. haha.. i really had
LOTZ of fun!! we eat,, chit chat,, took photos,, play near the pool.. sad.. he has to go early.. his mum called already n asked him to go home.. :( how sad.. couldnt spend lots of tym with him.. haiz.. nvm ba.. at night,, we chilled near the pool.. some went swimming,, some rest at the chair nn some anti-social at the pit.. lols.. chatted,, have fun here n there n its almost 10pm.. dun feel lyk going home.. feel lyk tonning.. but sad tomorrow got school.. so we decided to go home together.. we cleared up the place n walked to mrt station.. bid goddbye to germaine n mirah n the rest took mrt home.. mrt came,, gave zhong di a hug nn birthday boy a hug n kiss n went home with shirley.. today had
LOTZ of fun.. looking forward to another birthday party.. nt sure whose..
weili, mirah,, germaine fer inviting me..
cousin,, germaine,, haniff,, sayfun fer cooking fer us..
those who hug me!!
will remember this day fereva!!
woke up early morning,, so tired,, gt ready n went out from home to meet germaine.. bused down to her house,, waited fer her n went to esso fer breakfast.. wat a coincidence,, we met sayfun there n walked back to school together.. poor germaine,, she's been bullied by ppl kept on calling her cockroaches.. lol.. had band practice till 1 pm.. today practice was fun.. we practice all the part n we almost get it all done but the attendance was bad.. so dunno whether if those ppl never come fer practice; come fer band and anyhow blow.. haiz.. :( so after band headed down to KFC n had lunch there.. we ate n chatted fer almost 2 hrs.. after eating,, went shop shop with venus.. first tym go out with her.. :) bought new clothes fer tomorow party n bought cat sticks fer tammy n tabby.. cant wait fer tomorrow's party.. confirm fun one!! LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!
today lessons starts as per normal.. poor azri n michelle,, they were late.. but luckily only stay at the hall fer 1 hr.. malay do DIALOG!! OMG!! it sucks man.. i talk throughout the lesson.. lol.. bad student.. geo,, got back class test n i just pass.. :( anyway nvm,, nt gonna concentrate on humans much.. anyway,, after school,, has to go fer band straight.. cant go fer amaths remedial.. went to singapore concert hall fer rehearsal n sound check.. percussion got scolded coz nvr bring their instrument.. after tt 1 hr rehearsal,, went back school n have lunch n continued sectionals till 6pm.. after band,, sir's poor car was dented.. dunno who go dent it.. lol.. tomorrow,, meeting germaine in the morning n go band together.. :) gonna watch gosok now.. have a nice holidays ppl!! tomorrow valentines day! have fun with the luv ones.. especially ABANG!!
3 days of motivational course was
FUN!! really enjoyed myself n learn LOTZ of stuff.. with all the laughings,, forfeits,, seriousness nn sadness.. wat a coincidence, my recess n lunch is the same as the lower sec.. yeah!! this means i can get my hug.. during the 3 days; both recess n lunch,, noe lots of germaine frens.. lyk royshton,, shimon,, yayewkee n a few others.. i fergot their names.. opps.. lols.. all very nice2 ppl.. hope to noe them better this sunday.. :) back to the motivational course.. the last day of the course was a very sad day.. we were given chance to speak wat have we learned so far.. so we decided to go out as a class n filbert speak on behalf of 5n1.. so yeah,, tears came out frm some of us.. after everyhing end,, we took photo with the two coaches.. :)

had skool as per normal n today assembly is about cyber-bullying.. didnt pay much attention as i was SO sleepy.. starting tomorrow till thursday, 4Es n 5Ns will be having a motivational course to prepare fer O lvl.. this means tt i cannot go fer band on tuesday n thursday.. n no hug.. OMG!! lyk tt this week i wont have enough practice fer friday's rehearsal.. damn it! i hope the rest will practice hard.. *cross-finger* lunch tym,, went down to the canteen to have lunch,, while walking at the corridor,, saw stephen n the rest n i got my hug! yeah.. love it.. lols.. after skool went fer band awhile n went home with cousin.. reached inter,, met azri n walked back home with him..
woke up early morning n get ready fer band practice.. met germaine near her block n it was only 7.10am.. so we decided to walk to esso fer breakfast.. chatted non-stop all the way to esso.. poor germaine,, while walking to esso,, there's this tree,, the flowers were lyk blocking the way,, so she just walk past n suddenly there's worm at her uniform.. she shouted at me ask me fer tissue.. its disgusting la.. haha.. lols.. reach skool,, band room was open but not a lot ppl were present yet.. attendance still bad n sir keep on saying the old same line.. haiz.. had our warm up,, full band till 12pm n had sectionals.. must really practice hard on the set piece,, especially my high notes.. just we wont get tt freaking _ _ _ AGAIN!! after band,, bused down to siglap KFC n had lunch there.. after eating,, went home with venus..
**thanx yong su fer accompany us to the bus stop..
pics taken before dism
issing n at the KFC..
got a few more pics,, must wait till rusy send me...
its been a month since i last blog.. a lot of things happen this january which i could hardly find a time to blog.. till today,, after buying a new laptop, since the computer the hard disk sumting wrong,, den i can blog.. guess this post will be the longest one??
lets start with after jay's birthday celebration.. celebrated at seoul garden n den slack at starbucks.. after tt chilled at the top floor of TM.. didnt got the tym to buy his present till wed after skool,, we decided to surprise with a mini belated celebration,, but tt jerome spoil the plan.. arghhh.. nvm. so after skool,, went to buy his present with azri,, while jj zy n jerome go buy the cake.. headed down to his house,, watch TV,, eat cake,, n the most fun n memorable part is we talked non-stop till we dun feel lyk going home.. in the end we stayed till 8 plus den leave.. but otw home also chatted non-stop.. how i wish i could have tt day again.. :)

quite bz with band practice as we will performing at singapore concert hall on the 10th of jan.. summore this year we got lots of performance here n there; CNY,, speech day,, SYF.. so on the 10th of jan,, have breakfast with the lovable juniors n headed down to skool.. had our final practice n bused down to singapore concert hall.. we had rehearsal den our dinner is served.. after dinner,, we gathered at this room to check our dressing n stuff n took group photos.. :) headed to the tuning room den our turn is up.. overall,, we received good comments frm teachers n friends.. yeah!! :) tt day also pei ping's birthday so,,

still very bz with band practice.. tt coming saturday,, gonna have footdrills just to qualify fer SYF n summore the following monday have a mini CNY concert.. will be playing rockolgy n dedication, celebration n march.. tt saturday,, we managed to finish up the marching.. just need to wait fer the results just to qualify fer SYF.. hope its a pass.. if nt have to redo again.. :( after marching,, practice fer monday concert.. tt saturday was zhang yan's birthday so,,
19th of jan,, the mini concert,, it was ouhk.. lots of people enjoyed it n tt is good la.. coz i was wondering wat if ppl say it suck.. :( after the concert,, went back to the band room n sir showed us our video.. he gave all the negative comments.. so kinda worried if we're not qualified.. coz due date is end of the month.. tt coming thurs there will be amaths test.. it covers all N lvl topics.. so tt thursday sat for the test n IT WAS A DISASTER!! OMG la.. i cant imagined i did almost half of the paper anyhow.. im sure to fail fer tt test.. :(
23 of jan,, CNY celebration in skool.. first hours fer the day did spring cleaning.. was suppose to decorate our table,, but we end up decorating only our notice board.. mr chia came in and gave us lollipop.. lols.. after tt went to the hall fer the concert.. OMG!! the concert was so boring.. feel lyk sleeping sia.. didnt concentrate much on the concert.. lols.. after the concert,, mdm poon treated us canadian pizza.. thanx mdm poon.. :) went home get ready,, n went out meet jay to celebrate jerome's birthday.. jerome treat us at this small restaurant in simei.. the food there was nice.. but after we ordered the food,, all our food was mixed up.. some ordered rice got pasta,, some ordered pasta got rice.. poor thing.. n im one of them.. humphh.. nvm.. overall the food still nice.. thanx jerome.. :) after tt we bused down to tampines safra n bowled.. i had lots of fun lar.. after bowling took loads of pic n headed down to tam mac n slack till 11 plus..

24th of jan,, evonne's birthday.. :)
chinese new year holidays didnt go out.. stayed at home n watch TV.. lols.. so boring.. but,, no choice.. after the holidays,, found out tt those who failed the amaths test have to talk to mr desmond tan.. oh oo.. im dead.. wat if i fail,, must go n talk to him.. arghh.. so during amaths lesson tt wed,, mr yew returned back our paper,, n guess wat?! i failed my test.. oh dear.. must go talk to mr tan by this week.. aiyo.. very troublesome.. tt current week has pass,, i still havent talk to mr tan.. so we decided to talk to him on monday.. haiz.. sat 31st of jan,, ms ho had an open house as usual,, meet up with alifah n azri at tam mrt station n headed to her house.. after all tt around 4 plus meet up with stanley n jay n went to kim house.. tt day was baby's birthday.. called her SO many tyms but she didnt ans.. so smsed her,, but never reply.. anyways,,
starting from 2nd feb,, there will be class test.. all the days have class test except for wed.. haiz.. oh ya,, on monday,, 2nd feb,, went to see mr tan n each person took 10 mins to talk to him.. the rest waited outisde fer their turn lyk waiting fer doctor appointment sia.. haiz.. he talk n talk n talk n i was getting quite scared of him due to the way he speaks.. aiyo.. almost cried summore.. from now on cannot failed any amaths test.. i wont be talking to him anymore.. some class test were difficult some were ouhk.. overall can lar fer the beginning.. common test willl be in the next 3 weeks.. so must really start studying from now on.. no more slacking.. lols.. today band practice was ouhk.. but just tt i need to really practice my high notes.. so i can play the set piece well.. tomorrow will be having band practice again,, n will be meeting germaine in the morning..