went fer religious class as per normal n today is the last class! woohooo.. lols.. didnt study at all.. went there do some craft work.. ewww.. im suck at it.. lols.. went home straight after class n theres one karanguni kept on pressing his horn.. so irritating lar... he walked pass my corridor n speak chinese to me.. haha.. i speak chinese to him back.. lols.. after tt watch power puff girls fer 2 hrs n followed mummy to the shop n save to buy some groceries.. after tt helped mummy in the kitchen.. around 8pm just now went to uncle bob house to visit atok lias n nen lam.. went home around 11.15 n now blogging.. lols.. next week everyday i will be going out.. damn i got no enough money.. -,- 1 more week till umar's birthday!! so sad he's in indonesia.. :(
FINALLY!! after all the planning,, today we decided to catch a movie..
'BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUA' met up with kim followed by pp den stanley.. later on jay n hui min.. went to have our lunch n walk around first.. the show starts at 2pm.. its a 2 hr show n overall the show was awesome! at the ending was sad n romantic.. aww~ lols.. haha.. after tt we carried on walking n saw an end-of-month sale at TM 1st floor.. we look around n i saw
*CHIP N DALE* they're so cute.. while kim saw this cute dog which can stick out its tongue n lick.. ewww.. quite gross but cute.. haha.. lols.. so kim decided to buy it but not enough money.. 2 more days n the sales is over.. so she thought of asking me buy it first n she will pay me back.. lols.. i agreed n we went to CS to carry on walking.. went to lovely land n saw lots of lovely stuff.. lols.. got big chip n dale soft toy.. so cute.. i want it.. i dun care.. after getting tt scholarship money,, im gonna buy it.. -,- is almost 5.30 n kim has to go home.. so we all decided to go home.. at night went out with mummy n daddy to pay all the bills n went 'NTUC' again.. n guess wat!? i saw tt idiot!! luckily he never saw me.. GOD joel im scared.. haiz.. after tt went to have dinner at food culture.. i ate lor mee.. *yum yum.. daddy got western food n mummy bought nasi padang.. 3 different kinds of food.. lols.. malay,, chinese n western.. haha.. after tt went pasar malam bought some food fer my sis n bro.. reached home around 10.30pm.. now blogging.. lols.. tomorrow cousin coming back from china.. yeah!! next week can catch a movie with him n some of the band members..
oh god.. staying at home is boring.. fer the past 2 days i've been switching on n off the tv n com.. wan blog also dunno wat to post.. lols.. yesterday my mummy n daddy's 20th anniversary n i fergot about it.. until my mom said it out den i remembered.. bad daughter.. so jus wanna wish,,
today woke up around 12pm,, n found out tt irritating brother of mine brought back one of his fren home.. n both of them slept at the living room!! FUCK! how am i gonna watch tv.. arghh.. so after i woke up,, bath all tt,, went to TM with my cousin to buy sumting.. GUESS WAT!? i went to the NTUC! omg lar.. i should have gone to simei NTUC instead.. right joel? haha.. lols.. no choice.. die die must quickly buy cat food.. :( wen we reached home,, finally both of them nt at home.. good! switched on the com n here i am blogging.. lols.. nothing much to do.. cant wait to watch dun ferget the lyrics.. lols..
met up with jeremy at tam inter around 12.30pm before meeting nadege,, amanda,, yong su nn stephen at the skool bus stop.. after meeting them,, found out tt we will meet stephen att pp itself.. so we took 48 there.. reached there,, we walk2 here n there while waiting fer stephen to come.. the most fun part was wen we always ditch yong su.. lols.. wen stephen arrived,, had our meals n continue walking.. again,, we ditch yong su.. but now with stephen too.. lols.. actually very lame.. but fun too?? -,- around 4.30pm we left pp n went home straight.. reached home clean the cat n now blogging.. it was fun going out with them eventhough im the only sec 4 there.. all from 1ea.. lols.. thanx to jeremy who invited me.. if not i'll be rotting at home today.. tomorrow will be a boring day.. OMG!! 3 weeks stay at home den can get result..
BORING!! sumbody ask me out pls.. jay?? abang?? kim?? anyone?? lols..
again stayed at home.. but in the morning just now went to religious class as per normal.. finished up all my exam just now.. next week will noe all our marks n on the 14 dec will be getting our cert.. next week will be the last class.. N yeah!! no more religious class till next year.. lols.. yesterday night,, jeremy introduce me to this website where u can play mahjong online.. lols.. it was fun n i got addicted to it.. since i'm nt playing mahjong wif my frens during this holidays,, i might as well play it online n thanx to jeremy.. :) tomorrow will be going out with nadege,, jeremy,, amanda,, stephen nn yong su as it is amanda's birthday tomorrow.. looking forward to it.. :)
today stayed at home.. do
ALL the household chores.. lyk maid lyk tt.. lols.. there wont be band practice untill 15 dec!! OMG!! worst.. i'm gonna rot at home all day.. but after tt we will have practice everyday!! n there will be band camp!! yeah~ cousin left to china this morning around 3 am for his CIP.. he'll be gone fer a week.. wen he's back,, we gonna watch movie.. yeah!! with venus,, haniff anyone lar.. lols..
slept late yesterday night chatting with a lot of ppl.. lols.. confirm with cousin tt today im going fer the open house thingy just to celebrate
4 ppls birthday!! haha.. if not coz of the celebration,, i wont come down.. XD so woke up early today n left house at 7.15am.. thought of meeting rusy go together,, but she was late so i went to take bus first.. reached skool,, band room still not open yet.. mdm heryani hevent reach skool.. after she reached,, yong su,, steven,, cousin,, haniff,, sayfun n eric go meet her to get the keys n some other stuff.. after tt steven so smart ask yong su to throw the keys towards the band room.. so yong go throw the keys up until it stuck at the roof..
STUPID RIGHT!! just coz of tt the whole band cannot go in the room.. so we decided to fall them in.. yeah~ long tym never fall them in.. so punished steven n yong su n fall them in till the room open(force the back door).. all this wasting tym took about an hour.. after tt sir came n warm us up.. around 10.15 we need to go to the hall for sound check till 10.40 we gt rest n sir leave.. we rested till 11.15.. during this tym we celebrated the 4 ppls birthday.. jeremy,, kang ming,, haniff n amanda!! sang them birthday song n cut the cake n eat it.. :) celebrate already,, me n cousin went home.. waited fer the bus fer lyk 15 mins,, cousin cannot take it he went to take taxi.. lols.. bt i still wait fer 10 to come.. reached already,, going to board the bus,, saw abang,, mira,, haziq n fian.. was shocked tt suddenly they say bb to me.. i thought they wouldnt come coz they just reached singapore yesterday.. was so happy tt i saw abang!!
I MISS HIM wen he's gone.. lols.. luckily only malaysia.. IF thailand?? lols.. cry again.. haha.. no wonder he's known as SUPER!! haha..
SUPER ABANG!! we go out again k abang?? haha..
yesterday night was the happiest night!! joel forgive me.. yeah~ im glad tt evrything's back to normal.. :) after chatting with joel,, chat with stan bout tomorrow's open house.. after knowing wat's gonna happen tomorrow,, i dun feel lyk going lor.. so chatted with him on the phone n a few mins later kim join us.. chatted till 3.30am n went to bed.. today woke up around 11am.. me n cousin waited for haniff's call.. suddenly at 2pm just now he called cousin saying he dun really tink tt he could make it.. den i chatted with cousin.. i say den maybe after u come back from china we watch lor.. we invite a lot of ppl.. den he say ouhk lor.. lols.. cousin also asked me to go for the open house tomorrow.. i say i dun wan lar.. lyk no point.. he still asked me to go.. den we leave skool around 10am.. den lyk tt see first lor.. haiz.. guess im gonna be bored today!! :(
went for band practice today.. slept early yesterday night.. but still very lazy to wake up this morning to go for practice.. lols.. reached skool bus stop,, cousin called me.. here's our conversation...
cousin:cousin where u?
(the sound of the traffic light)
cousin:ouhk u at the traffic light..
me:yeah.. call me for?
cousin:u noe the password fer the staff room door?
me:no.. y?
cousin:no teacher in school.. how to take band room key?
me:mdm heryani?? mdm radziah??
cousin:mdm heryani otw..
me:den.. not even one teacher around?
cousin:not even half..
me:lols.. at the carpark got 3 cars wat?
cousin:one is mr anwar's.. the other is mr tan's.. both not in school.. went fer the cca trip.. another one is mr loke!!
me:ouhk.. den asked mr loke to open the door fer u lar..
cousin:huh?! i dun wan to talk to a retire person..
me:ouh.. den asked any cleaner over there la..
cousin:cleaner for wat? they dun even noe the password..
me:they got the card la.. den how they go in clear all the rubbish..
me:u just wait there.. i go meet u..
cousin:kk.. faster.. bb..
didnt get the chance to go up,, cousin at the carpark already.. lols.. he say i walk so slow.. ALAMAK!! den suddenly mdm lim came.. finally one teacher in the skool.. wen to take key n open the room.. we had 2 hours of warm up.. though it was tiring,, we benefited a lot from there.. with the different rythm n more.. all the jokes from sir too.. lols.. again rehearse the same old song.. but we rehearse our set piece too.. we run through,, n he break up some parts to let us have some idea on how tt part sounds lyk.. so wen we do sectionals,, we noe wat we're blowing n can practice hard.. at first i thought it was freaking hard.. but after running through with sir,, it was ouhk.. but got a lot of high notes here n there.. but nvm.. as long as i got to noe the melody or rythm,, good already.. but sad thing is tt there's not enough players.. especially euphonium nn trombones.. haiz.. how i wish the whole sec 4 can promote.. :( we practice tt set piece over n over again until sir never realise the time.. lols.. after practice cousin thought of having lunch again.. den i say ouhk lor.. invited venus n haniff along.. at first all dun wan.. suddenly wen ica,, eric,, sally n yog su following,, both venus n haniff wan come.. argghhhh.. lols.. GUESS WAT!? we eating mac!! OMG!! 3 days straight of mac.. sianx.. went to have lunch at siglap.. otw there,,eric start discussing bout band thing.. saying tt any two of the good trumpets player have to go blow other instruments.. trombone or euphonium.. im SO not gonna blow other instrument.. stick to my trumpet always!! den tt venus wan to blow trombone.. if only sir allow den i tink is a good idea lor.. if not really worst den COP!! after lunch went home straight.. going out tomorrow watch movie with cousin n haniff.. YEAH!!
*SORRY PEI PING!!* other day we go out k?? lols..
went for band practice today n i couldnt really wake up.. but still force myself to.. so.. as per normal take 10 to skool.. reached skool was around 8plus already.. n im late.. lols.. was shocked to see tt only
17 ppl came for practice.. the attendance sucks lar.. sir wasnt in a good mood today.. n started scolding ppl who came late.. we warm up as usual n he distributed the set piece for next year SYF.. it was 'overture no.1 for wind band'.. it was freaking hard!! harder den last year set piece..
A LOT of high notes.. n our band has got no euphonium at all.. tt piece needs at least 3 trombones but so far got 1.. if only we sec 4 students can promote to sec 5.. haiz.. coz with the current number of ppl attending band,, i tink our result will be worst den COP.. :( sir also say tt this coming friday we have to perform for the open house.. but he's not gonna conduct coz he got sumting on.. lols.. so either eric or nicklaus conducting.. had sectionals n practice end around 12.50pm.. tomorrow still got practice.. i thought of waking up late tomorrow.. too bad.. after band went to have lunch with cousin n haniff at mac,, AGAIN!? lols.. haha.. but was fun to hang around with them.. the seniors.. lols.. on the way home,, we planned to go out this thursday.. going watch movie.. yeah!! the 3 of us.. cool.. :)
yesterday thought of following my parents to johore.. but due to the religious exam,, i couldnt follow them.. so woke up early morning n do my revision.. around 11am wen out from house n meet farhana.. reached religious class,, found out tt my teacher was absent.. but still the exam was on.. GUESS WAT!? my teacher n the relief teacher criteria was different.. the relief teacher criteria was much easier.. cool.. luckily sia.. can score well.. lols.. after tt reached home was damn bored lar.. really got nothing to do.. so decided to blog birthday message for ABANG!! XD lols.. after tt around 5 had a nap.. :) until 7 plus den watched TV till 11.30pm.. lols.. fantastic four n datin diaries.. den me n my sis cannot sleep.. dunno y?? turn here turn there.. still cannot sleep.. lols.. finally,, i shut my eyes n went to sleep.. tt was lyk 1.30am.. OMG lar.. today.. woke up around 11am.. lols.. damn tired.. since yesterday was wilson birthday,, if wan to go out with him yesterday also scared he not free.. so decided to sms him to have lunch or sumting today.. but end up having dinner at pp.. lols.. nvm.. as long as i got to see him.. i happy liao.. miss him.. lols.. moreover my mom gave the green light.. yeah!! 1 plus in the afternoon,, my sis sms me say wan to have lunch or not at airport,, popeye.. i said ouhk.. get ready n took 27 n met her at one of the bus stop.. reached there luckily not full house.. we sat at the table infront of the TV so can eat n watched at the same tym.. lols.. had our meals n left the place.. reached home online awhile n chatted with xc.. asked him whether he wan follow me have dinner with wilson.. den he said ouhk.. so around 7.40pm i took 31 n met xc at the hospital bus stop n he board the bus.. reached pp sms abang n he said he on his way walking to pp with his frens.. i thought it was either fenglong or qiwei.. he met us at pp n went to have dinner at mac.. he said his fren is at mac.. so walked to mac,, reached there saw edwin,, fian,, jeremy n haziq.. was shocked at first.. i thought fenglong or qiwei.. but it turn out tt it was them.. we chill awhile,, they were deciding whether play pool or watch movie.. or wat edwin said,, play movie or watch pool.. lols.. in the end they decided to play pool.. so we had our dinner n play pool.. at first i wasnt tt sure whether i wanna follow them or not.. coz is lyk 9.45pm liao.. i asked haziq wat tym he wan go home this n tt.. finally made up my mind follow them play pool n went home with haziq around 10.30 or latest 10.45.. lols.. around 9.50 my dad called me.. ALAMAK!! he asked me wat tym wan go home lar,, faster go home lar.. den i said soon.. talk to haziq bout it n he said aiyo nvm la.. 10.30 or latest 10.45 go home.. den lyk tt ouhk lar.. just hope i wouldnt get nag later wen i reach home.. lols.. fian still ask me y?? i was speechless n just say nth.. haiz.. not the right tym yet.. after abang finish the first matched,, den i got the chance to talk to him.. so we talk.. but talk also not long lor.. arghhh.. den around 10.15 haziq got his chance to play.. he played with abang.. play until 10.30,, i alert haziq.. he said,, wait.. finish first.. in the end we left tt place around 10.45.. lols.. i told wilson next tym,, i go out with u alone.. dun wan other ppl.. dun get the chance to talk to u much.. haiz.. salam abang n the rest n leave the place with haziq n xc.. today's the first tym ever i spend my tym with guys until so late.. the whole 16 yrs.. opps.. haha.. but it was fun!! i had lots of fun lar.. but only the part tt i have to go home.. lols.. :( den decided to take 10 instead of 31.. waited so long for bus 10 to come.. 11.15pm liao.. so decided to take 12 instead.. reached 201E changed bus n wen home..
*THANX HAZIQ!!* for going home with me.. :) reached home luckily my mom nvr nag.. she's just angry with my fucking bro,, who wen out from home since 7am n till now haven reach home yet.. arghh!! FUCK right!! idiot,, nuisance brother.. decided to switch on com n blog.. but.. need to sleep early.. coz tomorrow got band.. N getting the set piece for next year SYF.. but so far im the only senior going.. lols.. today had lunch with my sis,, den at night with abang.. tomorrow going to have lunch with cousin.. cool.. lols.. tomorrow also abang going to johore for his cca trip.. have fun!! tc.. :)

wishin u good luck in everything tt u do..
wen u're feeling low,, or no one to talk to,,
can always sms me n i'll be there for u..
it's gonna be 2 years, since we noe each other,,
became good frens,, n now brother n sister..
wateva it is,, i hope this relationship will stay forever..
a month or less more to go till we noe our results..
i hope u n me,, n the rest will be promoted to sec 5..
klar,, i hope all ur wishes will come true..
take care of urself wen u're at kota tinggi..
dun be naughty N have fun!!
may god bless u!!
luv ya,, abang!! :)
yesterday sit at home doing nothing.. was really bored la.. release the two kittens from its cage n ran around the house,, behind the TV n all.. i got pissed i chase them n caged them back.. aiyo.. at night conference with jay,, kim n stanley.. we chatted from 10.30pm till 3.30 am today.. the longest conference i had in my lyf la.. but got change hp here n there.. coz jay batt flat liao.. so we chatted here n there,, till 3.30am n went sleep coz we going to kim house to slack.. today woke up at 9 got changed n went to kim house first.. use the com till 1 pm n meet jay n stanley at bedok corner to buy our lunch.. after tt went to buy some chocolates at the cold storage n headed off to kim house.. so we slack slack slack,, around 6.45pm left her house.. had a wonderful tym with jay,, kim n stanley today.. hope to hang around with u guys often..
just now celebrate syiqah's belated n salimin's advanced birthday.. :) meet ifaa at her bus stop around 4.40?? n took 9 to bedok inter n meet the rest.. i thought me n ifaa gonna be late.. but it turns out tt we are not.. pheww.. waited for everyone to reached,, is already 6 pm.. without wasting tym we 16 heading towards leisure park.. i've got the feeling tt i will be left out.. :( coz even though there's 12 of us,, for sure im gonna be left out.. lols.. luckily i got ifaa n halim doesnt care much.. so i hang around with them but not most of the tym coz today's their 11th months anni,, so dun wan disturb them much.. :( nvm.. anyway,,
HAPPY 11TH MONTH ANNI TO IFAA N HALIM!! stay long k.. :) back to the story.. we reached leisure park around 6.45pm n wen to have dinner at KFC.. we were so noisy lar over there.. can say fun lar.. with all the jokes from azmi n salimin.. den poor sirah cannot have her dinner properly.. while waiting for everyone to finish their dinner,, OMG!! faris try to put on li wei's jacket n it was just nice lar.. summore only faris doesnt wear skinny,, so he said this,, "u all wear skinny right.. im the only person who wear tight shirt.." lols.. after our dinner some of us couldnt stay longer so we decided to cut the cake sumwhere outside leisure park.. sang a birtday song for the 2 of them,, cut the cake n all the sabotage began.. poor salimin.. we took some pictures while the sobotage happens.. lols..
siraah,, ifaah,, diaah :)

ifaa n diah
fabregas n me.. :)

after tt ifaa,, halim,, me n azmi has to go home.. so shake hands all this n off we go.. we decided to take taxi first rather den 16 coz by the tym we reached home it'll be late liao.. tink twice,, thought of saving money,, we decided to take shuttle bus.. so we look through the shuttle bus timing n we were lucky tt there is still one last bus to kallang mrt station.. so we waited coz there's around 5 more mins.. while waiting we discovered tt the pick-up point is at the other entrance.. so we quickly walked to the other entrance n wait for the bus.. is already 8.46 n the last bus supposed to be at 8.45.. we were wondering why the bus took it's own sweet tym?? so halim n azmi looked at the timing again,, NN the 8.45 bus is actually from kallang mrt to leisure park.. not the other way round.. so we all were pissed la.. we went back to the previous entrance to wait for taxi.. while waiting we saw this shuttle bus n we thought tt bus going to kallang mrt station.. so we ran towards the pick-up point just to take tt shuttle bus.. me n ifaa feet were all wet lar.. coz we wear slipper,, it is drizzling n summore there's puddles of water here there.. for the sake of just taking tt bus,, i dun care whether there's water or no water just run.. den ifaa was lyk.. DIAH!! anyhow step on water n hit my pants.. i say just run lar.. azmi kept asking me to faster n faster.. dun care ifaa.. poor ifaa,, her slipper slipped off.. lols.. we reacehd the shuttle bus NN the uncle say tt this bus is going to tanjong rhu mrt station which is further den kallang mrt.. FUCK right.. no more shuttle bus!! we went back to the same entrance n just wait for taxi.. while walking towards tt entrance there's one taxi.. we thought of chasing but it is hired.. damn it lar! instead we waited for taxi outside near the road.. waited for lyk 15 mins.. finally got one taxi.. pathetic.. SO PATHETIC!! we wasted half an hour just to go back to kallang mrt station.. but actually it was fun.. chase here chase there.. lyk chasing for chicken.. haha.. lols.. so we headed to kallang mrt station n say bb to ifaa n halim.. me n azmi took mrt home.. earlier i thought this celebration's gonna be bored.. but it end up only the last part was tremendous even though mostly i was left out.. lols..
today did nothing much at home.. as per normal watch tv,, play com,,play with tammy n tabby.. also nothing much to blog.. for the past few days lots of problems happened.. felt so sad about it.. jus wanna say sorry to matthew,, fian nn joel.. i noe im irritating this n tt.. fian n matt sry to make tt stupid decsion.. joel,, i hope u dun mean wat u say to me tt day.. coz i dun mean to say fuck to u.. just tt im sad n i cannot control my anger..
SORRY GUYS!! looking forward to tomorrow n friday's outing.. :) hope it'll be fun!!
mummy woke me up at 7.30am to get ready for work.. i woke up,, got changed n headed to the mrt.. at tanjong pagar,, it rained heavily n both of us aint got any umbrella.. we dropped at beuna vista n headed to the bus stop.. took 95 n alighted near mummy n daddy's office.. it is still raining but we have no choice but to just walk.. walked to a nearby coffee shop n bought breakfast.. after tt it is still raining.. but luckily their office was not tt far.. reached there,, dry myself up n ate my breakfast.. after eating,, start my work by helping her to sort all the letters accrodingly so tt it will be easier for us to deliver later.. around 2.45pm,, after mummy has delivered the letters at the furthest condo from her store,, i helped her deliver letters at the opposite condo from her store.. after delivering those letters,, we still need to deliver this sony magazines n yellow pages(AGAIN!?) at some nearby blocks.. the sony magazines can just slot in the letter box.. but for the yellow pages,,, have to deliver it door to door.. tiring sia.. deliver all this till 8.30pm.. waited for daddy n went home.. now my whole body aching.. better rest now..
yesterday conference with jay,, kim n stanley planning bout this coming thurs n fri.. planned already,, we chatted till 2am.. den went to sleep.. early morning the weather is damn cold lar.. thunder here n there.. i bet jessie surely scared.. was she kim?? haha.. lols.. anyways,, i couldnt really sleep lar.. but wat to do just close my eyes.. woke up at around 9am n got ready for religious class.. sian.. after class,, met kim n her mom n bro at my void deck just to modify her psp.. but sorry to hear tt it couldnt be modified.. maybe u have to go back to the shop n asked again.. dun be sad.. dun stress urself.. did nothing much today.. had a very nice nap with tammy n tabby just now.. (: tomorrow's gonna be another tiring day.. 1 more week to go till ABANG's birthday!!
woke up damn late today.. didnt reliase tt my dad actually called my hp.. wen i checked my hp,, found out tt there were 5 missed calls from him.. quickly called him back and he ask me to meet him at clementi.. so got changed and headed to clementi central.. he finishes a few of his work n went back to his office.. from there,, met my mom n started helping her out.. we started at around 7pm n aended at about 9.15pm.. it was tiring.. suddenly my mom say tt on monday n most probably on tuesday,, i must go help her again.. lols.. after work,, had our dinner at adam's road.. i ate fried rice n satay.. *yum yum..
went out with kim today to buy present for syiqah n salimin.. headed to pasir ris n start shopping.. made a lot of decision in buying presents for the two of them.. finally we are satisfied in wat we bought for them.. after tt went to kim house to chill awhile.. around 6 plus i left her house.. reached home,, watch tv.. suddenly there's this show it tells us about where u can release stress n rest ur mind with all the problems u have now.. i was lyk, cool.. will go to that place one day.. after watching tv here i am bloggin.. boring.. tomorrow not going out liao with jay,, stanley n kim.. BUT!! im working.. lols.. finally.. but only for one day.. help my mum company.. sian.. if only i can work most of the days.. -,- i more month to go till umar's birthday!!
yesterday night chatted with abang.. we start chatting about cca trip.. den he say tt eventhough he got fren he die die wan me go.. i was so touched by it.. aww.. lols.. but den i was shocked to hear tt my edusave not enough money,, summore i dun dare to ask my dad money.. so forget about going to the trip.. sad.. :( i told wilson n he said nvm.. next year can go.. :) early morning woke up late for band practice.. quickly bath n got changed.. went out around 7.20 n found out t i was early.. haha.. waited for them n off we took 10 to skool.. reached skool was shocked to see tt only
11 students attended band pracrice.. but wateva it is,, we still sounded nice.. yeah!! after band meet went out with my frens..
**sry jay,, pp n mavis couldnt have lunch with u guys.. after tt HOME SWEET HOME..
today last day of prep class.. yeah!! yesterday was fun hor kim.. haha.. lols.. too bad last day of prep class never go to skool with azri.. sad.. today,, went skool with kim n guess wat?! we were late.. lols.. on the way to skool had a bad stomachache.. so reached skool,, rushed to the toilet n threw it out.. lols.. after tt met carinna n off we went to the AVA room.. went in the room was shocked to see only 20+ students came.. so we go through the O level paper,, n den do final practice on matrix.. so difficult?? lols.. during recess a few students went back home coz next lesson was ss.. so from 20+ become 17?? haha.. during recess ain asked me to go for the cca trip.. but i dun feel lyk going.. den i remembered tt abang is going so i'll consider maybe?? ss lesson was ouhk.. not so boring.. me jj n li wei kept on counting down the mins left.. haha.. lols.. half an hour before class end,, we got distracted by mdm lim.. she wans all the table but so far she only can take those not in use.. so after lesson,, we have to help mdm lim carry all the tables to the e-lab n arrange the chairs back in the AVA room.. after all those den we allowed to go home.. yeah!!
skool's bored today.. very few students came to skool.. around 15 lyk tt?? maybe is because of mt n eng.. haha.. lols.. at least malay lesson today watch movie.. not lyk english lesson,, i feel lyk dozing off.. so sleepy.. the lesson also boring.. :( luckily today last day of eng.. tomorrow last day of skool.. :) yeah.. cant wait to go out with my primary skool frens.. lols..
didnt go for religious class today coz last minute going to johore,, pontian to take daddy's car back from service.. haha.. thank god is working coz it almost not working after fixing some new spare parts inside?? haha.. stayed there till 6.30pm n off back to singapore.. :)
went to catch HSM3 again,, haha,, with jay,, stanley,, pp,, kimberly,, jovine,, huimin,, shi ya n ai jing.. is really worth it if watch more than one tym..
*I WANT IT ALL* lols.. before went into the cinema,, had our meals.. some ate KFC,, LJS n pastamania.. we had to seperate ourselves coz not much sits available.. -,- chill for awhile till 4.20 den went into the cinema.. the show ended lyk around 6.30 den i have to leave liao.. sian.. took mrt home n look around for my sister's present at tampines area.. found this nice bag n bought it.. hope she loves it.. :)