slept early yesterday.. but still very lazy to go to school today.. dunno y?? but still have to go school.. OMG!! chemistry lesson,, miss ong?? the blur blur teacher?? u gotta be kidding?? dun really lyk her teaching.. sian.. didnt go for recess.. instead we stayed at the chem lab till maths lesson.. again maths lesson at info com room.. dunno y still very sleepy,, so doze off again.. lols.. again learn matrix.. sian.. after school went home straight n meet jay n xc at the mrt station ard 2.30 to go SAFRA.. thought we could take both 65 or 22.. sudenly 22 came.. so we took 22.. den supposingly to be the second traffic junction den it turn.. but it turn at the first junction.. so we alight from the bus n walked there.. aiyo.. reached there went to find toilet but it is nowhere to be found.. so we went up n meet the rest.. suddenly i saw the toilet.. good.. we played..... for about 1 hr?? after we all went home.. today is a very unlucky day for me.. i tink my brother curse me during his birthday??? -,- chemistry lesson,, i dunno maybe matt blocked my way?? (dun tink the wrong thing..) suddenly my leg went into the drain in between the benches.. both matt n ifaa laugh.. FUNNY??!! haha.. i laughed too.. lols.. den maths lesson,, my group all put our heads down.. den mr chia come banging the table.. alamak!! while waiting for xc,, my phone dropped.. aiyo.. took the wrong bus.. lastly,, while walking towards SAFRA,, saw lots of
COCKROACHES!! ewwwww.. gross lar.. at the void deck.. ewwwww... damn unlucky today.. dunno wat happen tomorrow?? will my sister curse me too on her birthday?? haiz..
manged to wake up early today.. haiz.. early morning raining so heavily.. dun feel lyk going skool but no choice,, coz got band n meeting abang!! yeah!! weather is so cold.. cannot take it lar.. summore class is at info com room.. luckily frst lesson is maths.. decided to doze off.. haha.. 1 hr only.. sian.. today learn matrix.. ss lesson luckily not boring.. if boring i will definitely doze off.. haha.. lols.. we had this activity.. ask anyone in the school to do survey about saddam hussein.. me n zhang yan asked jeremy lim.. haha.. all kinds of funny ans.. lols.. after the prep class,, meet jay n jovine to have lunch together before going for lunch at siglap mac.. met them in school n headed to siglap.. had fillet-o-fish.. :) chill awhile over there n headed back to school for band practice.. saw zy n gave him the cookies as a birthday present.. coz dunno wat to buy for him.. made him some cookies instead.. :) left band room at about 6.15 n went off to PP.. yeah!! :) we didnt have dinner.. jay got dinner,, i dun feel lyk eating,, abang eat dinner already.. wanted to gave him a surprise wen seeing him at esprit.. BUT...... he's at giant.. haha.. too bad cannot surprise him.. so meet him at info counter n went to starbucks n chill awhile.. wah is lyk long tym never see him..
I MISS HIM LOTZzZ!! so we started talking bout all school stuff n his work.. abang,, i hope u dun mean wat u say just now tt those who sit near me all never go for the class cannot promote.. NO right?? surely wan.. i felt sad u noe wen u said tt.. :( haiz.. is lyk so fast he has to continue with his work.. sent him back to esprit,, n he's lyk walking so fast lyk tt.. as if he dun wan to see me again.. :( haha.. lols.. but in the end managed to salam him.. :) after tt went back to tampines took 15.. quite a long journey hor jay?? haha.. -,- reached tampines den HOME SWEET HOME!! gonna sleep early today..
evening just now take a very nice nap.. :) now,, cannot sleep.. haha.. lols.. went online n chatted with cousin,, abang later on with mummy.. -,- chatted with cousin awhile only den he go play dota.. -,- abang tag me n we started chatting.. really miss him to the
MAX!! cant wait to meet him later for dinner maybe?? yeah!! so chatted with him bout the prep class n his work.. N lvl all those things.. dun worry abang,, u n me will surely go sec 5!! we sit together again,, study together.. pay more attention.. :) thanx for having high expectation for me..
luv ya.. i also do have high expectation for u.. just wait till the result reveal den we noe.. if me n u go sec 5, i
DAMN happy sia.. but also for others too lar.. chatted with him all the way till 1 plus?? after tt chatted with mummy.. chatted here n there till 2.15 just now.. now bloggin.. lols.. i better go to sleep now.. if not later ss lesson,, i will doze off.. XD will blog again tonight.. to be continue.....
physics lesson was fun today.. really enjoy it.. the practical not so difficult lar.. is only the matter of paying atttention n follow instructions.. :) really had fun tym doing the experiment with kimberly n pp.. :) had our break n next lesson was ss.. stupid teacher.. we nice nice at the back already,, me,, kim n pp must shift right to the front.. GOD!! the three of us were sleepy n she made us shift infront.. tomorrow im So not gonna sit infront anymore.. gonna sit back at our usual place.. throughout the lesson,, kept on yawning here n there.. while mdm khai was taking attendance,, matt n fian started insulting me n rachel!! arghhh.. u guys are SO gonna get it.. haha.. lols.. nothing better to do izzit?!?!?! u tink u guys are So tall??!! haha.. :) after all tt,, wen the lesson gonna end,, mdm khai showed us this video n it was damn funny,, until me,, kim n pp felt awake.. she should show us the video earlier.. so we wont feel sleepy during her lesson.. after skool,, took 10 with pp n stopped at joel's bus stop meet jay.. went to joel's crib passed him sumting n chill there for awhile.. around 2 plus we left his house n HOME SWEET HOME..
yesterday was bored sitting at home doing nothing!! today starting of prep class.. had our MT n maths lesson.. both lesson did O lvl papers.. malay no need to say,, very difficult!! maths,, the paper was ok but some question were difficult!! luckily i never take O lvl maths.. im gonna fail for sure.. :( after skool went to meet jay with pp at the control station n went SHOPPING!! haha.. lols.. after tt went to have our meals n accompany pp pay some stuff.. :)
last night planned with my cousin not to sleep.. coz we dun feel lyk to n there's SO many mosqutioes flying around la.. found out tt daddy's car created problem n stop at the side of the highway to pontian.. suddenly the car really cannot start.. so daddy decided to send it fer service in malaysia.. it will be ready two to three days.. haiz.. poor car.. lols.. back to the story.. we tell jokes here n there,, have fun listening to music n eat lots for supper.. ppl are sleeping,, we all busy eating supper.. haha.. lols.. around 4 am my cousin felt very sleepy,, so we decided to doze off.. zZzZzZz.. next day wake,, the ceremony begans.. we stayed there till 4 pm n went back to singapore by bus.. luckily not much traffic conjestion.. :) will go back to malaysia again take daddy's car.. :) yeah.. lols..
wooohoo.. going back malaysia today.. goodluck to azmi,, ain n amin for their audition later.. :) before leaving,, felt damn sad sia.. just dunno y must it happen to me.. haiz.. i cried non-stop while looking at tt message.. just dunno must i reply?? i didnt reply the message.. instead throughout the journey to johore,, i cried non-stop.. just telling myself this,,
before posting about today's outing wanna say sorry to jay.. :) i really wan watch with u but,, since u've said it urself,, IM SORRY!! :) went out with azmi ain azri n amin to watch movie..overall HSM3 was fun.. a lot of funny acting.. haha.. lols.. today weather very cold sia.. cannot take it.. after watching movie kinda late already,, so azri decided to go home.. but instead all of us went back to tam.. inside the mrt,, evon n stanley approach us.. haha.. wat a coincidence.. we den reliase tt we didnt took the same mrt as ain n azri.. haha.. they waited for us outside mrt n sent azri to inter.. stanley decided to follow us walk walk to TM.. haha.. went TM to have some fun n decided to go bedok buy pants.. after tt HOME SWEET HOME!!
diah nn azmi.. :)

again.. :D

us.. XD

diah n amin.. :)

diah n ilah

smile!! :D

diah n syikin

diah n seri

danial's crib.. :)

hanif's crib.. :)


shafeqa's crib.. :)

(erliyana,, shafeqa,, hifdzur)

today like very lazy to go out visiting with my primary skool frens.. coz yesterday night chatted till 2 am in the morning.. haha.. but wat to do.. today is like the last day we go out together.. dunno other day will or not.. haha.. lols.. so again,, meet at small mac n everyone is lyk so boring.. dunno wat to talk.. all faces lyk,, dunno how to describe lar... haha.. as we go to ppl's house,, all so quite.. except for aishah.. she kept on asking asking us to talk.. den we all lyk.. ok ok.. haha.. but still never talk.. got talk lar but not to the guys.. the guys macam lyk shy shy.. haha.. until at this house,, me n two other frens have no sit to sit,, just stand only.. suddenly one of the guys called me n my fren to sit at the dining table with him.. so we sit n started talking.. at last we talked.. haha.. we told aishah now we all start talking already.. den aishah say tt aiyo,, now i got headache.. haha.. so throughtout the night the four of us high already.. talk here n there non-stop.. haha.. lols.. suddenly my fren say,, we all hor.. first tym meet,, all faces lyk no mood to talk,, very boring.. later in the evening or before,, all high already.. haha.. really have fun with them.. after this luckily they got plans to go out together again.. yeah!! really miss them.. hope this tym round all will get high straight away.. no more moody faces first tym seeing each other.. will upload the pictures taken today soon.. after receiving from others.. :)
today went out with my sis,, took our passsports.. before tt went to have lunch at "HJ MAIMUNAH".. *yum yum.. after eating lunch,, went straight to the ICA building n took my passports.. luckily not so crowded.. if not must wait for so long.. haha.. lols.. after tt went to braddel height community centre to register sumting.. register already,, went to have some burgers at macdonalds.. lols.. bought two different types of burgers,, and share among each other.. :) after tt took bus 81 n headed to mak house at hougang.. reached there,, passed her the wedding invitation n pray at her house.. after praying,, she prepared us dinner.. haha.. today eat a lot.. i can say.. after dinner,, instead of us taking the bus to the hospital,, we took taxi there.. damn it.. $16 gone liao.. haiz.. went to the hospital visited my grandpa n waited for my parents.. waited awhile den go have some supper.. hehe.. quite a tiring day today.. walk here walk there.. but at least better den staying at home doing nothing.. lols..
another day out.. haha.. went for band practice today.. but it starts at 4.. before going for band,, went to visit my grandpa.. haiz.. poor thing,, he got admitted again due to some germs at his operation thingy.. aiyo.. after visited him at the hospital,, went straight to skool.. waited fer germaine n the rest outside skool.. coz very ps sia go in skool alone.. :( after waited for them for 15 mins,, all of them appear.. haha.. hug here,, hug there,, went in skool n buy water.. so thirsty.. lols... went straight to the band room n dunno got this 2 wierd ppl came in to the band room n start video-ing us.. duno for wat lar.. but so far they only video the flute.. haha.. heng uh.. we do warm up here n there,, n started training for the SYF pieces.. after sectionals,, keep our instruments,, den waited for TEMBAM!! he got his english today.. after waited for him,, went home straight.. 14 came first but he dun wan take.. he wan accompany me first.. aiyo.. no need lar.. u should go home first n have some rest.. next tym u go home first.. haha.. :) guess wat.. he say tt the english paper was easy.. i was lyk.. HUH!? nvm lar.. haha.. lols.. at night,, accompanied joel take his pants.. after tt went to *NTUC* buy tammy n tabby's food.. suddenly,,
*SUMTING SHOULDNT HAPPEN, HAPPENED TONIGHT* :( nvm.. let it be the first n last.. no more.. :)
(will give u the present tomorrow,, hope u lyk it.. )
went out with my primary skool frens for visiting today.. first tym see each other,, all faces lyk so boring.. all keep quite.. as tym goes by,, after visiting several houses,, everyone begining to get high.. even though it is very tiring,, coz we walked to every houses instead of taking the bus,, i really enjoy myself going out with them.. btw,, we going out again this thursday.. yeah!! this tym round with the guys.. today only the girls.. haha.. today germaine's birthday.. she's big already.. haha.. lols.. njoy ur day sayang!! took some photo's.. but not with me.. is with aishah n some other phones.. nvm.. will upload it as soon as i received the pictures.. :)
planned to go out today with jay,, kim n stanley.. went to the city shop2.. :) meet up with jay n kim at the mrt,, headed to the platform n waited for the train.. stanley will board at simei station.. me,, jay n kim lyk so kanchiong scared no sit,, we stand in front the yellow line instead of behind.. at last we got sit.. but not for stanley.. sumbody took the sit.. lols.. told stanley to board the train n we were at the last three doors.. he very smart one de.. he went in the second last door n one passenger blocked us.. so he lyk cannot find us.. den he start to call jay.. jay lyk dunno wat to say so he passed the phone to me.. he kept on saying where u guys.. i cannot see u guys.. den i was lyk we all at the very front not at the back.. so he lyk walk all the way to the front w/o noticing us.. OMG lar!! we all started laughing n i'm speechless.. hand the phone to kim n kim stop him.. ask him to turn back.. haha.. finally he saw us.. haha.. went to suntec city first,, walk2,, den headed to marina square for lunch.. den planned to go kim house play..... but in the end her mum dun allow.. saw we decided to walk again to peninsular.. shop awhile den decided to go to TM.. otw there,, stanley received a call.. he couldnt follow us to TM,, coz he has to go to the hospital.. den from aljunied we say bb to him.. at last we also never go TM.. all very tired liao.. HOME SWEET HOME!!
YEAH!! today going back to skool for band practice.. miss my trumpet,, miss my juniors,, miss my cousin nick,, miss my darling mira,, everyone lar.. *except sir.. haha.. lols.. before going back to skool,, meet up with jay,, mavis n pp went to bugis shop2.. otw there,, saw milo at the platform.. so off we go to bugis.. shop here shop there,, decided to go swensen to have our lunch.. *yum yum.. the waiter who gave our bill named matthew.. haha.. lols.. after tt went for a walk for awhile n took 48 back to skool.. reached skool,, went straight to band room n chill there awhile.. while they are tuning,, went to ask sir whether can i play trumpet coz my trumpet have been donated to kang ming.. he say ouhk.. n guess wat!! he let me open the last new trumpet!! YEAH!! im so happy lar.. went to the store room with venus n open up the new trumpet.. cool.. is lyk i've open up two new trumpets ever.. :) haha.. mavis n pp took out their insturments too.. poor jay.. his tenor sax have been used by yong su n he lyk no more instrument to blow.. n u noe wat?!?! sir ask him take out any saxaphone n just blow.. den jay was lyk huh?! wan blow wat?? baritone sax?? the big one?? haha.. he just take any......... in the end sir ask him try to blow baritone sax.. poor jay.. he was lyk OMG!! so heavy den use more energy.. summore sounded lyk cruise ship lyk tt.. haha.. pity him.. but wats special bout jay is tt he has blown all kinds of saxaphones.. isnt tt good.. alto lar,, den tenor,, n now baritone.. good thing tt first try he can blow the baritone sax.. just need use more energy,, *luckily got the stand n summore new baritone sax.. :) found out tt there will be music exchange this coming december n january we will perform at dunno which concert hall.. haiz.. hope my english pass so i can promote den can perform at the concert hall n go for another SYF.. just dun get _ _ _ is better... if got,, i dunno wat to say.. *PRACTICE HARDER EVERYONE!! left banc room around 4pm n went home straight.. inside bus 10 saw milo again.. haha.. lols.. quickly went home n got changed.. after tt meet jay at the mrt around 5.45pm.. headed down to ECP for some BBQ.. had fun sitting infront of the nice scenery with jay n lz gang.. den had our food.. *yum yum.. took some pictures here n there,, chatted with almost everyone.. went home at about 9 plus going to 10.. how i wish could stay longer.. :(
SPECIAL THANX:**thanx for inviting me.. I ENJOYED MYSELF!! :)*jay for having our food together.. :)*filbert,, edwin,, akmal,, haziq for the jokes.. :)*ain for the music.. :)*ain,, hafsah,, mira,, haekal for the chatting.. :)*ain for the last min cooking.. :)*harrfian for accompanying me.. :)*jay,, edwin,, matt,, harrfian for sending me off to the mac.. :)LOVE U GUYS A LOT!!
went to kim house around 11 plus.. reached at about 12.15pm.. hang around awhile and use the com,, drink water and ate some waffle.. *yum yum :) den left her house at about 1.30pm.. headed down to pasir ris to give back her tuition teacher maths set n went shopping at E-hub,, TM n century square.. she bought birthday cards for her mum n dad.. after all the hunting for birthday cards,, went century square food culture to have our meals.. after HOME SWEET HOME..
yesterday as per normal.. did nothing at home.. today didnt go out with kim but instead went out with my sis go renew our passports.. after tt we headed to this Tong Seng coffeeshop.. it sells chinese food but is halal.. overall the food was nice.. i had prawn noodle(dry).. *yum yum.. after tt headed to city hall buy perfume.. after buying her perfume,, went to plaza singapura to shop around at DAISO.. haha.. we can go crazy making all sorts of funny things over there.. haha.. is fun going out with my sis.. now den i realise.. coz i never go out with her most of the tym.. lols.. after all the shopping went home straight n wathced dun mess with the zohan.. :) play with tammy n tabby n here i am bloging.. lols.. going out with kim tomorrow.. at least i wont feel bored.. looking forward to tomorrow n friday.. :)
i started to get bored staying at home already.. is lyk there's nothing for me to do now lar.. all i could do is watch TV,, use the com,, play with tabby n tammy.. haiz.. today the whole day was boring lar.. luckily kimberly was there for me to talk to.. we chatted here n there.. after all,, we make up a date on wednesday to go out together.. yeah.. finally im going out!! thought tomorrow got band.. after receiving cousin's message,, he said tt there wont be any band tomorrow.. band will start on friday.. god im gonna be bored at home again tomorrow.. :( faster wednesday come.. cant wait to get out from this house.. lols..
before going to joel's cousin the bbq,, went to the hospital visit grandma.. haiz.. after visiting grandma,, meet joel n danial at simei mrt station.. was wondering who am i gonna hang around with while waiting fer jay.. luckily got nadege.. yeah.. at least got company.. went to joel house waited fer him to get change.. danial was quite sad coz of his dad..
**a message fer danial : dun worry a lot k? im sure he's gonna be fine.. doctors will do their job in looking after his condition.. i will pray fer ur dad hope he'll get well soon.. im sure god will help him too.. dun worry.. everything will be fine.. :)
after tt took 9 to nadege house.. met filbert n the gang outside nadege condo.. joel brought me to nadege room n i hang around with her.. not only her.. hang around with her sister too,, kyna.. played guess who n snake n ladder 3D.. god.. kyna is so sweet lar.. she's cute,, adorable.. just dunno y nadege,, rhys n joel say she's irritating.. if she is also not tt irritaqting.. haiz.. we walk around the pool,, coz is lyk quite bored sitting in the room.. after tt we walk to the playground.. i was lyk a primary 4 kids lar.. hanging around with two adorable girls.. :) after tt fetch jay at the gate n bring him in.. after all that around 9.30pm i have to leave.. sad.. kyna was lyk; huh so early.. aww.. nvm.. we will hang out again.. dun worry.. :) told jay n the rest i gtg.. i thought only nadege sending me to the bus stop.. in the end,, matt,, jay,, rina,, nadege,, kyna n rhys send me to to the bus stop.. thought bus 10 will come later.. suddenly 10 came.. no choice.. got to take tt bus later my mum nag.. haha.. lols.
wanna say thanx to: rhys fer inviting us to the bbq..nadege n kyna fer entertaining me.. jay,, matt,, rina,, rhys,, nadege n kyna fer sending me to the bus stop..to rhys: its ok if u never entertain me.. u r a good entertainer.. is just tt i never hang around with u much.. tt's y.. thanx fer inviting.. :) tc..LOVE U GUYS A LOT!!
went hari raya with the sec 4's today.. met up with jay,, matt n ifaa at the inter.. took 65 went straight to ain house n meet the rest.. from there we started our visitings.... sad umar didnt come along.. n also couldnt go the bedok ppls house.. :( i tink not enough tym.. actually took loads of pictures.. but couldnt upload now.. is in jays camera n some other ppls mobile.. must understand ppls tiredness.. :) reached my house around 8 plus,, found out tt mum n dad are not at home,.. grandma is in hospital.. WHY?! why this year hari raya both my grandpa n grandma were hospitalised?? after my grandpa got discharged,, my grandma's turn.. haiz.. get well soon yeah.. poor thing my mum didnt get to see azmi.. :( next tym yeah..
(will give u present wen we meet during band practice)
yesterday reached home and was shocked to see 2 new members in the house.. mum allow us to keep it fer 1 week fer observation.. woohooo.. coz my bro saw two kittens at the lift n brought them home.. yeah.. :) today went out watch movie with jay,, matt,, zy n jj.. watch the house bunny.. the show was fun lar.. after the show have to rushed home to go visiting again.. but before tt met azri to get sumting from him.. after all that went home n get ready to go visiting.. cant wait fer tomorrow.. :)
tabby n tammy!!

in the bus wif jay.. :DD
wats wif abang face???
yesterday was a wonderful day where my frens orgnised a birthday party for me n alifah.. :)
SPECIAL THANX TO~**ain who dressed me up,, make me look like a pure girl,, lend me her dress,, EVERYTHING!!*those who organised the party..*salimin for the music..*jay n isaac for the delicious cake ever..*azmi,, syiqah,, rusy,, masturah,, nabil for cooking..*umar for accompanying me..*all who sing us a birthday song.. XD*those who gave me presents,, u guys shouldnt have to..*those who hug me.. :)*azri for sending me n ain home..last but not least,,
*everyone who attended the party..
us wif fian n haekal..

our cake.. thanx a lot..

baby october.. XD

us wif jay..
me n abang!

diah n jay.. :)
best fren eva
bert n me..

minah n mat.. :P
me n hafsah..
diah n matt..
thanx a lot guys!! luv ya..

YES!! finally.. N levels is over.. can say all the paper was a do-able paper.. but is just tt after finding out some pro student answer,, i realised tt i made quite a number of mistakes.. :( physics paper was ouhk.. but chemistry a little bit harder.. maths paper 1 was ouhk but not paper 2.. paper 2 lost quite a number of marks,, haiz.. geography was ouhk.. amaths paper 1!!!! did very badly for tt paper.. dunno y suddenly cannot prove a *simple* trigo.. haiz.. a lot of the questions i do anyhow.. POA paper 1 n 2 was ouhk.. managed to balance.. :D :D :D yeah!! here comes my last paper.. amaths paper 2!!! was quite sad tt wat if suddenly i cannot do the paper.. haiz.. wen the paper starts,, was quite shocked to see tt the paper was quite easy.. so i did it with full confidence.. but after the paper,, after they all come n share answer,, i was sad tt my confidence wasnt tt full enough.. A LOT of careless mistakes! haiz.. i guess i have no hope for amaths.. not even a pass.. :( today,, just turned 16.. wasnt a good day today.. with all the stress from my last 3 papers.. makes me feel so f**ked up.. meet ain n get my hair done.. thank u so much jay n milo fer this hair treatment.. cant forget u guys.. also wanna say thank u to those who wished me n gave me present.. u guys shouldnt have to..