went to tuition as per normal.. still deciding where to go study after tuition.. dunno who to ask.. haiz.. suddenly after tuition break,, joel sms saying tt evonne wan ask us go his house fer study group.. after tuition,, meet up wif jay at around 1.45 n headed straight to joel's house.. study till 6 pm accompany them to pet safari to change hamster cage.. after tt took MRT to tampines n go for a walk wif jay at TM.. went popular shop shop.. :) after tt while walking towards the interchange suddenly talk about...... haha.. was quite shock.. XD haha.. lols.. after a "LONG" story of mine, went home..
too all the teachers' especially my subject teachers
but mostly to my one and only form teacher,
had our intensive programme as per normal.. but ended at 11 am coz we are allowed to join in the teachers' day celebration.. in the morning gave a surprise to mdm poon with all the lululu.. haha.. lols.. ss was boring today!! wasnt really in a good mood to study ss.. still thinking about the problem that i made towards the person (i hope u noe who u are).. i really have this feeling tt u will not forgive me even though u said tt u dun care,, not angry bla bla bla.. im really really sorry.. pls forgive me!! u noe i very paiseh everytime wen i look at u.. :( if u have read my message tt i send u in the morning,, pls forgive me.. i really hope u do.. as i said i couldnt bear losing a friend like u.. haiz.. moving on,, before english lesson,, guess wat!? we prank mr desmond tan.. as if we are fighting.. but actually just to say happy teachers' day to him.. thanx to carinna fer calling mr tan over.. haha.. english lesson.. mr tay sang to us 3 nice songs.. luv it..
*THANX MR TAY*after tt took photo wif him.. :) 11 am,, went down to the hall fer the celebration.. all the performance were great.. especially the part wen mr tay n the teachers singing n also mdm heryani, ms nur, ronald, ain, azmi n faris perform a malay dance..
*IT WAS GREAT* even though there were technical problem.. it is still nice..
*GOOD JOB GUYS* after all the celebration, we got back our report books.. OMG!! dun feel lyk looking at my report book lar.. the points i got is lyk SHIT! haiz.. after school went home with jay n meet up wif him around 4.30 to study.. study till 7 plus n went home..
us with mr tay.. (:
OMG!! is lyk 5 more days to N levels lar.. getting a little bit scared of my ss n english.. i scared i couldnt make it to sec 5.. :( after school check our prelim results.. ppl keep on taking the result slip until almost a few of us just wait till everybody check den we check.. i was really shocked tt i passed my english.. YES UH!! so happy but nt tt really happy.. coz on the dot sia my eng result.. haiz.. at first thought of not studying,, coz jay go visit his F&N teacher den is lyk me alone.. so i dun feel lyk study outside today.. wen reached home already,, joel sms me saying wanna go study or not.. in the end i change my mind n go study with him n danial.. we studied at simei void deck.. :) open book,, flip here flip there.. dun feel lyk studying.. coz is lyk very bored already.. so instead danial start the ball rolling by talking to us bout his nightmare or sumting.. haha.. chat here chat there,, me n joel took out our word search book and started doing it.. coz we dun feel lyk studying already.. around 6.35 we pack our stuff n headed to eastpoint mall to have a walk.. at 7, say bb to danial n went to joel house to take his money n stuff to go to tampines.. after tt we headed to tampines n search fer this cenosis shop near telepark.. found already, we disperse.. HOME SWEET HOME!!
at 1.15, all muslim's students must go to the hall fer some talks i guess.. doesn't feel lyk going sia.. i rather study den going to the hall.. it looks lyk compulsory.. i better go.. lols.. n guess wat.. shahril from suria wen to our skool n gave us talks bout our studies.. it was fun with all the jokes around.. it ended around 3 and i was rushing home to get change n meet jay at simei bk.. i reach there around 4.30 n saw zy n jerome with jay.. study study,, suddenly joel went down with his cousins.. carry on study until 7.30 went popular.. it was almost 8 n i quickly rush home to watch sayang-sayang last episode.. haha... :)
for the past few days always go out study.. N levels is lyk next week lar.. still nt tt really prepare.. :( today after skool get back a few papers which we havent look through.. was nt really satisfy with the paper.. lyk SHIT!! after looking through, went home and change to go study again.. today was sad a day to me.. something just happened which i'm really sad about it.. i felt like i'm totally a so loser person lar.. go do something MAJORLY wrong.. haiz.. i just really hope tt person will forgive me.. dun be mad at me.. coz, i seriously dun bear to lose u as a friend.. i may need ur help.. study at airport with jay, joel, matthew, wilson, harrfian, haekal, mira, hafsah, sabrina n haziq.. study until 7.30 den leave the airport to watch calefare n first class.. lol..
went to central today with jay n matt.. reach lavender,, the train got some technical problem.. stupid.. must wait fer another train.. haiz.. walk here walk there den have so called lunch at the kopitiam.. went back tampines and walk walk again.. was quite tired,, but it was fun.. especially going up or down the escalator.. hope he will tell me how to make him stop saying all those irritating comment about him.. tell me or else no kentang fer u!! :)
school's boring today.. 13 absentees.. aiyo.. maths lesson already get scolded by mr chia.. saying tt we never pay attention lar.. this lar.. tt lar.. crazy.. PE was quite fun.. do the ace dance.. first tym round was quite funny.. second round must b a bit spotting.. coz we have to challenge with one sec 2 class see who the spotting class.. in the end.. 4n1 won.. woohooo.. cool.. the sec 2 students are like nt dancing lyk tt.. punishment must do 50 jumping jacks.. haha.. lols.. english lesson go through english paper.. wat a sad thing,, mr tay say tt he wont be teaching in chai chee next year.. :( so sad to hear tt.. malay.. nothing much to do.. luckily no need to do letter writing.. if nt every friday always do letter writing.. if nt compo.. after tt everyone must go to the hall fer a short assembly.. boring.. after skool went home first n change den go out wif jay n milo.. wat a multi-racial fren.. :) went bedok to see something.. den eat at KFC den went back tampines coz milo is meeting her fren.. while waiting fer milo fren we walk walk fer a while den suddenly saw matthew, her tien, jerome, zy n jj.. just went back from playing badminton.. eee.. smelly.. haha. lols.. milo left first.. den me n jay chat a while wif them.. chat a while den they gtg.. so say bb here n there.. n left.. it was drizzling at tt point of tym.. lazy to take out my umbrella.. her tien gave me his newspaper just to cover myself.. haha.. thanx..
OMG!! ss i only gt 29.. sucks sia.. thought i could do better den tt but my SBQ lyk..... after lunch.. gt back amaths paper.. n guess wat!! i fail my amaths.. yeah!! haha.. lols.. was actually sad bout it.. but who cares.. i really no hope fer amaths liao.. so do some of my classmates.. haiz.. wanna drop also feel lyk dun wan.. but really no hope sia.. wat if suddenly i cannot make it fer my N levels?? haiz.. tough decision.. congratz to some ppl who scored well.. work hard to get better grades.. hope that u will beat those tt u wanna beat.. XD geography ms kong nvr come.. cannot get back results.. aiyo.. after skool nvr go anywhere.. went home straight.. :)
today was a very sad day.. i couldnt really take it n just let my tears off.. was really sad coz my POA drop a lot.. frm 96 to 85 now 75.. arghh.. i really dunno where to hide my face sia.. now matthew n kieroy is lyk better den me lar.. WTF!! even better den the pro's.. haiz.. i really dunno where to hide my face.. :( wah.. about jeremy.. so sorry.. he could get 76.. this is all my fault.. give wrong information.. i noe he never blame me.. but to me is really a big deal!! den get back english result.. worst.. i fail.. haha.. only 5 more marks.. i hope oral will push my marks till pass.. please!! after skool need to do this NE quiz.. it was quite fun though.. must wait till 2.50 den can start doing.. haha.. after tt went home straight..
went TM after skool.. in the bus something sad happen.. wah.. cannot take it.. AIYO!! went giordano.. jay bought this shirt which was quite cool.. nice too.. after that went walk walk n lastly bought nicky's bread.. quite tired sia.. lols..
wooo.. both amaths paper were SO difficult.. wah.. rachel still can sleep.. n filbert still can ask me wat is cosec,, cot n sec.. haha.. lols.. aiyo.. amaths is getting tougher n TOUGHER.. i really gt the feeling tt i will fail my amaths.. just wait fer tomorrow or thursday to find out.. :( POA paper 2.. another disaster.. i go tell jeremy tt bank overdraft is ltl.. ARGHHH!!! im so so so so so so sorry.. i really dunno where to put my face.. i so paise lar.. bank overdraft also can forgot where.. haiz.. really paise sia.. after POA paper,, everyone were lyk asking balance?? balance?? den some were lyk saying bank overdraft cl cl.. nt ltl.. F**K!! ARGHH!! just dun wan tink bout it.. after tt me, jay, rusy, azri n rachel went pp to have our so called lunch.. walk walk to release PRELIM's stress.. met syiqah at the traffic light n headed to KFC.. after tt rachel gt to leave.. den we go walk walk.. after all that we took 31 n go home..
after religious class went study at T2, coffee club.. meet up with jay n took 27 to airport.. today study with jeremy, kieroy, jj, jay, joel n xc.. keep on tinking wan study amaths or POA.. aiya.. give up study POA.. at night den i will study amaths.. haiz.. after studying,, still gt tym go walk walk at TM.. releasing stress.. haha.. lols.. reach home around 8.. haiz.. so tired.. will stop here.. need study amaths already.. try my best to score well.. TRY only.. lols..
left 3 more papers on monday.. arghh.. stress stress.. amaths paper 1 n 2.. n POA paper 2.. yesterday POA paper 1 quite difficult.. i tink im gonna lost 6 marks.. ARGHH!! amaths.. no hope liao.. feel lyk dropping.. but it is really a tough decision.. coz once i drop i will left 6 more subjects which is quite risky.. but also actually wats the point of taking if i will fail in the end.. i dun wan see any D7, E8 of F9 on my cert.. haiz.. today went study at simei bk with jay, matthew n kieroy.. study awhile only.. coz i need to attend wedding ceremony at west coast.. aiyo.. far lei.. today study also got alot of counselling.. lols.. tomorrow will continue studying.. but wif different ppl..
1.The person who tagged you is: Niki Akila
2.Your relationship with him/her is: Friends
3. Your five impression of him/her:
-Love to hang around with
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you: Talk to me whenever im bored :)
5. The most memorable thing he/she said to you: Not yet..
6.If he/she become your lover, you will: maybe.. if only she's a guy.. XD
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be: not sure.. havent become my lover yet.. XD
8.If he/she become your enemy, you will: ill hate her till death.. haha.. no lar.. will apologise..
9.If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be: misunderstanding?
10.The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is: Not to sure..
11.Your overall impression of him/her is: sweet,, adorable..
12.How you think people around you will feel about you?: Dunno..
13.The characteristics you love about yourself: everything.. i guess..
14.On the contrary, the characters you hate about yourself are: so far nothing..
15.The most ideal person you want to be with is: my parents? LOL!
16. For the people that care and like you, say something to them: thanx fer being kind to me.. will appreciate it..
went airport, T3 study physics n ss with umar, amelia, azri, zy n xc at mac donald.. quite stress sia.. must memorise a lot of notes.. haiz.. reach there eat first den study physics.. i only studied physics.. ss wil study at home.. study study study,, 6.30 liao.. need to go home n study ss.. only me, azri, xc n zy go.. umar n amelia stay coz their frens were there.. before leaving bought some refreshment.. ice-cream.. yum yum.. :) while waiting fer zy ice-cream to finish.. we took some photo's..
say cheese.. :)

xc,, diah,, azri,,
azri n diah

xc n diah

xiong cheng!!
just wanna wish all the 4na n 4nt good luck fer their prelims!! especially 4n1.. jyjy..
yesterday went back to kampong.. its a 2D1N holiday.. it was fun.. i really njoyed my day there.. reach there around 11.30am.. went see my cousin.. chat here chat there.. was shocked to found out tt they noe how to ride a motorcycle.. i was really shocked lar.. guess wat!! igt a ride frm them.. thanx!! haha.. luckily throughout the 2D i dun have any mosquito bite.. yeah!! at night,, the fan is off but the room was lyk air-conditioned lar.. is freezing cold.. today morning leave the kampong around 9.30am.. dun feel lyk leaving.. but too bad have to.. coz tuesday will be having prelim!! haiz.. some photos taken during the 2D.. :)
my little cute cousin, shukri

SRI MENANTI, muar mosque

my bro n my cousin's fishing..


noisy rooster.. woke me up early in the morning..
kept on rock-a-doodle-doo..

cow.. moo.. XD

reach singapore,, rest a while, n go study at simei bk.. was quite tired.. but just go.. luckily tomorrow is a school holiday.. can wake up late.. but not too late.. coz going study at airport..
eve of national day.. will be getting award today.. :) before that gt national day celebration.. all the performance were great.. after all the performance went down to the e-floor to have photo taking.. took lots of photo.. :)
band n scout
all the cca recipient
smile :)
mat n minah..

scouts band ncc merging.. XD

adik n abang :)

diah n ain
diah n azri
after all this went to siglap macdonalds to have our lunch.. after having lunch went down to katong to play pool.. it was fun.. but too bad i didnt play.. juz chill around watching them play.. on the way there n inside the place, took photos again.. :)
jay n diah.. :)
xc n diah
xc.. diah.. jerome..
jerome.. jay.. diah..
xc.. jay.. diah..
diah n jay.. :)

diah n wilson..

all of us..

yesterday slept late.. slept at around 12pm.. coz trying to finish as much amaths question as i could.. but in the end i gave up.. coz is F**KING hard.. saw that matthew.. fucking hard!! matthew wanted to go to skool wif us but he woke up late.. we decided to take the 6.30 bus coz 6.20 bus is still early.. reach skool,, again very lazy to go to the canteen,, thanx to matthew for coming late yesterday,, we lyk dun wan come skool early again.. coz is lyk wat's the point if nothing can be done.. so from today onwards we decided to take either 6.30 or 6.35 bus.. during recess,, most of my classmates go play soccer.. after recess they sweat lyk as if they caught in the rain.. so i help harrfian, joel, wilson n filbert wipe their sweat.. den while wiping joel's n wilson's sweat,, they shouted,, wah somebody jealous arghh.. haha.. during amaths,, again sit wif jj.. this tym didn't talk much coz i doing my geography n jj lyk listening to songs.. so dun get the chance to talk.. have to wait after prelim on the 19 august.. lols... after skool went study in skool.. me, xc, azri n harrfian.. den wen going home,, it was raining cats and dogs.. meow2.. wolf2.. haha.. lol.. "-,-
matthew decided to go skool wif us today.. so we waited fer him fer about 15 mins.. he told us he took bus no. 3.. i was lyk HUH!?.. bus no. 3 go a longer way.. we had no choice but to wait fer him.. 6.10 bus left.. 6.20 bus left.. 6.30 bus left.. sms him again.. he said tt he reaching liao.. so we just lined up.. he can just go in the queue n we will reserve a seat for him.. before 6.35 bus came,, he reached.. luckily.. if nt we will be late fer sure.. wen he reach,, he didn't line up.. he just stand outside den wen the bus come he just cut the queue just like that.. wen 6.35 came, he cut the queue n went in wif us.. luckily the bus uncle never scold him.. reach skool about 7.05.. dun feel lyk going to the canteen n meet the rest.. so we straight sit at the multi-purpose court.. over there we challenge dj max.. haha.. after skool me n jay followed matthew to TM to buy his pants.. wah is lyk 3 days straight we went out to buy clothes just fer this coming fridae.. before tt we went foodcourt to eat.. i dun feel lyk eating.. so i didnt eat.. at least i bought drinks fer myself n even fer them.. after eating waited fer joel.. he wants to buy his mum a present.. wait already we went to popular.. go see any assessment books.. after tt went to cs n meet xc.. after tt,, jay went home.. me, matthew n xc went to the library n study.. wah he lyk killing me do amaths work.. he say cannot finish, cannot go home.. den i was lyk HUH!? i wan watch sayang-sayang.. he lyk dun care.. after doing a few question,, i just realise tt the paper i was doing an express paper.. arghh!! stress.. haiz.. around 7.50.. i told him i wanna go home.. den he say ouhklor.. finish it up at home.. den i was lyk.. ouh everytym wen i reach home i wouldn't touch my AMATHS!! coz additional maths=additional mads.. is adding mads into me.. its KILLING me.. :( so i quickly went home n watch sayang-sayang..
during amaths had fun sitting wif jj.. we receive 2 amaths practise paper.. we manage to finish 1 practise paper within the 2 periods.. i noe is kinda slow.. coz we talk alot.. talk crap about FFFJ.. haha.. had a great tym sitting,, talking n doing work wif him today.. yeah today no ss.. can relax abit.. haha.. lol.. after skool decided nt to go fer band.. coz is lyk wat's the point of me going after tt sir gave my trumpet to my juniors.. haiz.. so instead went to bedok wif jay, zy n jj.. went there to buy my pants first.. after tt we went to TM to buy their pants.. after buying pants, we go search fer red clothes.. search high n low.. went cs too to search fer the clothes.. after finding,, finally found a suitable clothes tt jay, zy n jj wan to buy.. after deciding,, they bought the clothes.. all bought the same design.. wanna look lyk brothers on tt day itself.. haha.. after buying we went home.. YEAH!! just can't wait fer friday..
photo of them in the same shirt.. cool.. like brothers.. XD

wat a sad day today.. i found out something tt make me feel so sad.. it nearly break my heart.. haiz.. i dunno how can he really did this to my fren.. nt just an odinary fren.. but my best fren lei.. aiyo.. i hope is only a misunderstanding.. just have to wait for a perfect day to talk to him.. during ASLP maths, mr chia was lyk telling us to pick up those tissues lying on the floor.. we all were lyk saying is xc duty.. den mr shouted, "NO NEED TO BE XC DUTY TO PICK UP THOSE TISSUES!! U GUYS PICK UP THE TISSUES NOW!!" we picked up the litters.. den he greeted us.. but only abang answer.. "good afternoon mr chia".. den mr chia not happy.. he shouted again.. "GOOD AFTERNOON CLASS!!".. wth lar.. lyk tt also wanna shout.. funny sia.. haiz.. after skool decided to go bedok look for pants fer this fridae.. meet syiqah n rusy at fair price.. after meeting them,, go look at the pants.. will buy it tomorrow i guess.. after tt went kfc to eat.. after eating kfc, syiqah n rusy went home.. while jay, me n jj went to TM search fer their pants.. otw there, saw ms maryanty near the mrt.. was shock to see her.. i called fer her.. she got turn but it seemed tt she's in a hurry.. so can't stop awhile fer a chat.. she just gave us a smile n a 'hi'.. MISS HER SO MUCH!! went to 77th street n freshbox.. decide already,, tomorrow den we come down again to buy..
had tuition today.. after that going to study wif azri, milo n kumutha at T3.. meet up wif azri n milo at 1.30.. den meeting kumutha at T2 itself.. she was kinda late so we decided to go walk2 for awhile.. after kumutha reached,, went to take sky train n headed to T3.. we though of eating at popeye,, but too bad,, full house.. so we decided to go eat at macdonalds n stdied there.. study very smartly,, suddenly filbert, harrfian n his fren came down to pay us a visit.. they meeting fren later so decided to visit us.. haha.. kumutha was shocked coz harrfian shocked her.. haha.. around 6.30 we left coz milo gt tuition.. so we took mrt home.. here are some photos we took during n after studying.. :)
in the toilet..

diah n milo.. :)