today's assembly is about youth day celebration.. the performance were quite great.. haha.. today half of my class have N level english oral.. wish them good luck.. jyjy.. u can do it!! during maths ASLP mr chia didnt came up for lesson... everybody were lyk doing their own work.. for me,, i took picture of my chubby chip n dale.. haha.. lame.. coz bored liao dunno wat to do..


today have tuition.. went skool with my cousin.. on the way met ain.. n go to skool with her.. during tuition jay sms me.. saying wanna go watch movie or nt.. den i sae anything lar.. they wanna watch dun mess with the zohan.. but its nc 16.. just hope century square shaw allow those who 1992 already can watch.. meet jay zy n matt at tampines mrt at 2.. saw jay alone.. waiting fer zy n matthew.. suddenly zy came but didnt saw us.. i saw him n we go approach him.. den left matthew... sms him where is he.. nvr reply.. suddenly appear in nowhere.. he say sry to us.. so we went to cs to buy the tickets.. while walking to cs, matthew were lyk coughing away.. "hmm sumbody is so odd here.. she's the only one who wear black shirt.." i said.. "ok fine.. im the only one wearing black.. nvr bring back.. only girl.. only malay.. wat else!!" den we all laugh.. haha.. wat sia.. reach the cs shaw already,, we found out tt we culdnt watch dun mess with the zohan.. me n zy are still 15.. nt yet 16.. den we have no choice but watch get smart.. qutie a nice funny show.. we bought the ticket.. all except matt dun have the free ticket.. thanx to zy he say.. "hmm sumbody dun have the free ticket" haha.. lols.. we went in but nvr buy any food.. nt in the mood to eat.. the show was 1h 30 mins.. after tt we went tm walk2.. den dunno where to have our dinner.. we walk around the 4th level fer two rounds.. den decided to eat at foodcourt.. i dun feel lyk eating.. just had milo.. after eating.. we went round the 4th level again n went down to the 3rd level go minitoons.. den zy decided to go to timezone to have some fun there.. we saw this small machine.. one of the door were open.. zy n matthew were lyk shaking the machine till the stitch drop.. both zy n matt were shaking that thing n jay was lyk pretending to play tt thing.. n im lyk blocking the ppl in charge.. so tt they wont suspect anything.. after tt we saw the pooh.. but the door was close.. jay decided to buy the card fer $2.. so he play.. play already the door still nt open yet.. we ask the ppl in charge to help out with the pooh.. we gt those stuff FOC.. wat a lucky day.. after tt decided to go home.. while walking towards the excalator, we bounce to sir nazreen.. he was lyk.. RADHIAH!! i was shocked to see him.. we didnt get to talk much.. den we just walk off.. matthew n zy took mrt home.. me n jay disperse at the interchange there... at night my daddy say wan to have dinner outside.. luckily i didnt eat just now.. pay all the necessary bills and have dinner at food culture.. yum yum.. haha.. tt's all fer today i guess..
the FOC items!!
during flag raising receive announcement saying tt after skool the sec 4na n 4nt have briefing fer our N level oral which is next week.. ARGHH!! quite nervous.. haha.. we went up to our class to have maths lesson.. suddenly mr chia told us to go com lab fer our lesson.. haiz.. half way down, i forgot to take my mc.. ask kartini to accompany me up to take my mc n other stuff fer PE lesson.. after tt went down back to the com lab n mr chia sae.. "WAH!! u two took so long to travel frm the class to the lab" me n kartini were lyk so embarras.. i sat behind with my ABANGS!! haha.. umar n wilson.. i told wilson.. "i wan tell u something lar ABANG!!" den both umar n wilson sae.. "WHAT!!" i told umar it wasnt him.. umar was so paiseh.. haha.. *SRY ABANG UMAR* i told wilson abt him lyking another girl.. wilson say dun worry.. he wouldnt like tt girl.. i was quite relieve.. carry on with the maths lesson.. i told wilson i wan to put my stuff inside his bag.. den i also sae tt i will help him carry his bag.. den he say ok.. walking down fer PE lesson.. ppl ask me to help them hold their stuff.. i told them just put inside wilson's bag.. evrytym ppl ask me to help them hold i just turn around n they put inside wilson bag.. haha.. as per normal.. during PE lesson i have to fold clothes fer some ppl.. haha.. after PE were english.. nothing much during english lesson.. after recess is malay.. we hae to do letter writing.. im lyk.. huh.. so lazy.. nvm.. just do.. write nonsence stuff.. haha.. after tt.. we gt briefing.. our class was the class to sit down lar.. the chinese stuents went down late.. suddenly, the CHINA students got caught fer coming down the latest.. too bad they have to stand at the back of the hall.. during the briefing, mrs haniff told us about all the do donts fer oral next week.. after tt mr ong take over showing us the results fer mid-year.. it was SUCK!! haha.. after tt had my lunch with the juniors.. after lunch went straight to the band room to have band practice.. blow here blow there,, nearly 4.30.. we stop our practice and have dinner in skool.. eat already we waited fer the bus to come and board it.. reach Singapore Indoor Stadium already,, went inside and sit down.. while waiting took one photo.. haha..
jay.. zi yang.. diah..

after tt the show sarts. it was quite fun though.. is lyk national day.. but its nt.. the perormance were great.. shout here n there.. have fun.. i feel very dizzy.. is almost 9.30.. the show end already.. it was so crowded tt we have to wait.. let the primary skool go first.. den we can go.. finally after all the waiting, we gt the bus already.. reach home around 10.30.. was very tired and cannot take it with the pain in my head.. sommemore tomorrow gt tuition.. better go sleep now.. haiz.. will blog again..
today in skool nothing much fun.. only during amaths n geog.. amaths were after lunch.. we waited fer mr ong fer like half an hour.. he came up late.. he thought the class starts at 2.45.. but it actually starts at 1.45.. so we lyk have half an hour free period.. COOL!! during tt half an hour.. OMG!! filbert they all were like doing push up fer nothing lar.. just wanna exercise.. haha.. lols.. the rest were lyk chatting away.. n
*SOME* of us were lyk gossiping about
*SOMEBODY* haha.. nt to sae tt we don't lyk tt
*SOMEBODY*.. just tt to us he's lyk showing off.. i guess.. nvm.. moving on to geog.. the art students were lyk coming frm the art class late.. n ms kong reach our class so early.. lyk kanchiong lyk tt.. haha.. they were lyk 5-10 mins late.. n ms kong sae she will extend the tym 5-10 mins.. den the amaths students were lyk.. nt fair.. we reach here first n we gt to go later too.. haiz.. during geog ABANG brought some small umbrella n we were lyk playing with it.. nvr pay attention much in class.. i put the umbrella at my two cute little bears.. n decided to take photo of it with the umbrella.. pose already.. then i snap one shot without ms kong noticing it.. but miroshini did.. haha.. i took one shot.. wen i look at the pic,, too bad.. the pic was so blur lar.. haiz... if nt can pose liao.. nvm.. after skool went eat so called lunch with syiqah n rusy at fkc.. after tt, we walk2 awhile.. walk2 already.. at the popular, jay sms me saying tt teacher allow us to go fer the SYF opening ceremony.. i was lyk ouhk.. y suddenly she allow us.. not much ppl go izzit.. den i found out tt dance members also going.. so i meet jay at the interchange to take the concent form.. after tt we went home.. reach home already, must go study.. :( till here..
today gt hair check.. F**K.. jj hair gt caught.. i was lyk WTF lar.. he cut his hair already n he got caught.. poor thing.. maths lesson we study bout standard derivation.. about all those mean, variation.. den jj went up.. he was so angry lar.. me, ABANG n matthew look at him.. haha.. im so sorry fer jj.. :( after tt physics combine again in the lab again doing other skool paper.. stupid jerome n zy.. they still remember wat zy dad call me.. i hate tt name.. i dunno how they can still remember tt name.. arghh!! was so angry at tt time.. after tt had our malay lesson.. we did imbuhan.. after doing tt practise paper, i was so bored n i took 1 photo of my lovable chip n dale..
arent they cute??
so cute right.. haha.. luckily my malay teacher did nt caught using hp.. haha.. lols.. bad me.. i should take a lot of this cute pic next time.. haha.. POA lesson again do tys.. next week den we doing specimen paper.. but next wed got POA test.. about trading, profit n loss n appropriation account.. good luck ppl.. jyjy.. english we did grammar.. yeah!! can go home already.. but before tt.. mdm poon went up to class to find 5 ppl fer PC lesson.. nt sure wat's tt.. but she needs 5.. i told azri, jay n the rest to faster come out.. i dun wan to have PC lesson with her.. in the end, joel, danial, jeremy n kieroy had PC with her.. haha.. even though we can go home at 1.15 tt doesnt mean tt we can go already.. we have to wait till 1.45.. waited fer rasyiqah thought of going outside n eat.. but suddenly harrfian say wann study or not.. den i say oklar.. jay went home with stanley they all.. told syiqah tt harrfian ask me go study.. so sry cannot go lunch.. stay back.. ask harrfian wanna study or nt.. he say wait till ppl go home first.. coz so noisy cannot study.. den waited awhile.. he say wan study POA in the end he study physics.. i was quite angry with him.. saw jj just finish hair cut.. he was so sad tt his hair got cut again.. i told hm wateva it is, he still look cool.. :) he still lyk nt happy so he went tampines to but scissors.. to make his hair nicer i guess.. i went home straight after saying bb to jj at the interchange.. reach home already, i need to return cd.. haiz.. go down again.. luckily the shop is only near my house.. if nt i dun wanna return the cd.. tt's all fer today i guess.. so tired..
today's lesson..... physics combine class.. did some other skool ws.. amaths we did revision on differentiation and integration.. i'm weak at tt particular topic.. always ask help frm mr ong.. summore is a 2 hr subject.. very sian.. during recess went to our normal place again.. after tt had our maths followed by malay.. lunch in class.. after lunch had chemistry n ss.. after skool.. we call edwin to come to our class wanna give something.. he went up n we give him n azri the present.. they were so happy.. haha.. so happy fer them.. after tt me, jay, zy n xc went fer band practice.. we step down already but i still insist of going.. coz is kinda bored staying at home.. might as well go band.. can blow my trumpet.. haha.. lols.. poor cousin must do all the things by himself.. open the door, take the keys, organise the band n all those stuff.. pity him.. suddenly.... he sms me.. yeah!! so happy.. is lyk finally he sms me.. if nt i will always be the one who sms him first.. he ask me whether i gt band or nt.. den i say ya.. den how dare he sae aw.. poor thing still gt band.. den i sae.. actually step down already.. just bored nothing to do go band more better.. den cousin took my phone n sms him asking him where is he.. he replied at the mrt on the way home.. haha.. today band did warm up n sir gave us lesson 1 n 2.. is about warming up.. but too bad.. zy n jay wanna leave.. so they ask me to keep my instrument n go home.. i was quite sad.. but nvm juz keep.. i quite tired too.. haha.. i told cousin tt i have to leave.. coz i really pity him doing all this job alone.. he told me tt this friday gt SYF opening ceremony.. they need minimum 21 person.. den is lyk dunno whether the juniors all can go or nt.. so he sms teacher saying whether the sec 4 can go.. she say cannot.. i was qutie angry at tt moment.. coz nvr in my life went fer an SYF opening ceremony.. haiz.. went home with zy n jay.. in the bus saw A3.. reach interchange.. say bb.. den HOME SWEET HOME!!
YEAH!! skool open already.. so happy to meet all my frens.. especially the lovable ones.. :) as per normal meet up with jay at our normal time, 6.10.. reach skool got shocked to see they change some of the canteen tables and chairs.. like kopitiam like tt.. haha.. lols.. waited tiil we receive announcement to go to the hall fer the flag raising.. confirm mr loke going to talk.. normal lar.. evry skool reopen sure he will talk.. we also found out tt our first period on monday is assembly so let him talk fer one hour.. haha.. after his long boring speech, we headed back to our form class to get our time-table n all the class admin.. was so sad tt jay couldnt sit wif me coz matthew wanna sit wif him n also coz of joel nvr sit wif him.. :( but nvm.. i gt ABANG n xc to accompany me.. luckily the class admin took up mother tongue lesson.. YES!! no malay.. haha lols.. after class admin had our POA lesson.. do tys.. den recess go to our normal place.. after recess had our maths lesson.. found out tt all the sec 4 classes will be spliting class.. haiz.. sian.. unlucky i gt mr chia.. english did nothing much.. coz is the first day of skool.. after lunch had ASLP maths n ss.. again mr chia.. ss we did SBQ.. after tt go home.. since now skool end at 3.45 evryday except wed n fri, we decided to go home straight.. no more loitering around.. N level's coming.. reach home watch tv awhile.. at night later den study.. :)
ms ho's wedding today.. confirm wif jerome who's going.. found out only 11 ppl going.. meet up with azri at tampines mrt at 12.15.. drop at simei mrt station waited fer zy, jj n jerome.. den took mrt again.. drop at eunos.. meet up with ain.. den we took mrt again.. we straight headed to common wealth mrt station.. the wedding was held in a church.. luckily the church was quite near the mrt station.. thought of waiting fer the rest so we could go in together.. but ms ho's parents told us to go in.. so we just wait fer the inside.. the wedding will commence at 2.30.. we sit down talk talk talk.. suddenly i remember today li yuan b'dae.. so i sms issac ask fer li yuan's no.. sms li yuan.. wishing him happy 16th birthdae.. 2.30 already.. the wedding starts.. it end around 3.30.. went to the third floor to have the boufet.. met up with most of the teachers.. we had our meal n suddenly danial came.. haha.. after our meal, we went down to chill awhile.. ain wanna leave already.. so both she n azri went off first.. left me, jerome, zy n jj.. we went inside the church back n tt jerome took some photos of him praying.. haha.. lols.. i only took one photo with jj n zy..
zy looks like ah beng.. haha..

after taking photo, we went back.. inside the mrt they deciding where to go cut hair.. wanna go either pasir ris, tampines, simei or bedok.. all the places lyk sian already.. decide decide decide.. finally they cutting hair at simei.. i also quite bored at home so i decided to follow them down to simei to cut their hair.. reach simei already went to east point the top floor.. frm there we went down level by level to see any shop the cheapest to cut hair.. walk here n there.. finally they decided to cut hair near the mrt station.. the shop called speed.. it cost $10 to cut their hair.. cut already went back to east point again to the top floor.. they went to the toilet to see their hair all those stuff.. i waited fer them fer like 15-20 mins.. aiyo.. den went down level by level to find edwin's present.. finally they went to ntuc to buy some snacks fer him.. den zy ask me whether wanna share or not.. den i say oklar.. we nt only buy fer edwin.. we bought fer azri too.. look at the time is lyk 7 pm liao.. wanna had our dinner at kfc.. only me n jj eat.. zy having dinner with his family, jerome going home eat.. but they accompanied us first.. eat already.. zy go with his family, jerome went home.. left me n jj.. chat fer awhile den took mrt home.. quite a tiring day.. my legs were so pain.. left one day till skool reopen.. YEAH cant wait fer monday..
woke up around 8.30.. tell my mum tt i wanna go kim house to study.. she allowed.. i woke up n gt dress.. call kim to let her noe tt im on my wae there.. reach her house around 11 n started studying by doing homework.. do homework already.. she help me created this game called audition.. the game was quite fun actually.. so play play play untill 2 or 3.. i told her tt i wanna finish up my ss homework.. bt she sae tt she's nt so good in her ss.. nothing to do much.. we slack around awhile.. around 4 we watch the ghost story tt i watched with my brother n cousin yesterday, congkak.. firstly we watched at the guest room but in the end we watched at the living room.. coz the guest room was too dark.. kim gt scared.. she ask me to tell her when the ghost will appear so she could lower down the volume.. watch until 6, is time fer me to leave.. is quite dark.. looks lyk it's gonna rain.. kim took the umbrella just in case it rains.. i took bus 10 n reach home around 7.. thank goodness my parents have nt reach home if nt they will nag y i reach home late.. haha lols.. tt's all fer today.. will blog again.. :)
yesterday thought of playing mahjong but cancelled coz matthew house is under renovation.. sian.. today also plan to play.. but in the end azri cannot-father dun allow.. jj cannot-going out.. make our last decision,, we didnt play mahjong.. n is ly fer the whole month we didnt play mahjong.. bored sia never play.. summore my hands very itchy coz never play fer a long tym.. haiz.. very sian today.. my dad bought DVD's yesterdae.. gt kungfu panda,, congkak,, indiana jones.. wanted to watch kungfu panda.. but my irritating brother go switch on congkak.. congkak is basically a ghost show.. nt so scary but the sound effect makes the movie become interesting to make ppl scream.. one of the part, i was smsing my fren n suddenly both my cousin n my brother shout until i gt shocked n my phone nearly drop.. i told them nt to shout.. wahlao.. they like girl lyk tt.. scary part only shout.. chill lar.. haha.. lols.. suddenly jerome sms giving me details about ms ho's wedding this coming saturday.. nt sure whether wanna go or not.. start smsing ppl see who's going.. in the end all the ppl i ask all sae nt sure.. haha.. kim sms me saying wanna go study at her house tomorow or not.. den i sae oklor.. coz i may be bored tomorrow..
today is azri birthday.. manged to sleep yesterday in the midnight just to wish him happy birthday.. i thought im the first one.. but too bad im the fourth one to wish him.. today went to downtown east to celebrate father's day at D'marque.. had free tickets in n enjoy all the games booth there.. had fun here n there.. suddenly saw this cute mascot.. looks like either chip or dale.. but wateva it is we took photo with it..

after tt we had our lunch at the macdonalds.. after having lunch we went home.. tt's all fer today i guess.. :)
sry fer nt blogging fer the whole week.. just dunno wat to blog.. just now in the morning around 1am plus, zy sms me saying tt he reach singapore liao.. i was so happy to hear tt.. he sms me while i was sleeping but i did my best to reply his message back.. i tell him tt im so sry never even say goodbye on the day he's leaving.. today after the friday prayers, my dad decided to go to the beach to catch some fish with his net.. went out frm home around 2.45 n reach pasir ris beach around 3.. put some lotionon my hand n face and straight jump into the beach.. were having so much fun with my brother.. my dad managed to catch a few fish.. but nvm he say next tym we will go again.. :) went home around 5 plus.. reach home i dun feel quite well.. i gt headache n went to sleep fer awhile.. after tt my dad woke me up to do my prayers and ask me whether i wan follow them to the ntuc or not.. i said oklar.. quite bored at home so i decided to follow them.. meet up with my mom at TM and had some ice-cream.. yum-yum.. headed to the ntuc and shop around.. after shop around went home and watch tv.. haha.. lols.. :)
sleep late yesterdae.. so today woke up around 10 plus.. was wondering wat did i ferget to do today.. tink here tink there.. suddenly i remembered..
OH SHIT!! zy is flying to taiwan todae.. i fergot to wish him a safe journey there.. i felt sad tt i couldn't wish him, nor sending him to the airport.. :( really fergot to wake up early to at least call him or send him message wishing him a safety.. but too bad is over.. just have to wait fer him in a week's time to return to singapore.. btw di, happy holidays there.. today quite bored at home.. nothing much to do.. as per normal play com or switch on the tv..
YES!! today going skool.. but too bad.. today is the last day of the holiday im going skool.. guess i'm gonna be bored at home.. meet up with nicklaus at 7.20.. suddenly saw atikah, haziq n nana.. went skool together fer band practice.. had our warm-up.. today only kang ming venus n atikah came.. fer my section lar.. attendance fer today very bad.. around less than 20 came.. but no choice but to carry on the practice.. after warming up had our sectionals.. during sectionals i do my physics hw.. nt sure whether need to hand in during the holidays or nt.. but i just hand in.. after band,, headed to the kfc to had our lunch.. zy, nicklaus, haniff n me ate fish zinger meal.. while jeremy n yong su ate chicken.. nicklaus always wanna take their chicken.. especially yong su's.. haha.. had fun while eating.. after eating we all went home..
I tink today is the best day fer me to do some of my homework.. I did my Emaths paper.. thought of doing my Amaths paper.. but i tink Emaths paper is enough fer the day.. just can't wait fer tomorrow's band practice.. sian.. jay will nt be attending.. i have no choice but to go with nicklaus.. :) i tink tt's all fer today.. dunno wat else to blog.. :)
FINALLY!! today going back skool fer band practice.. meet up with jay at 7.15 and headed to skool straight away.. in the bus he gave me this cute chip n dale bear.. it's a small keychain put at pencilbox.. is very cute.. *thanx jay.. luv it* reached skool at about 7.50 waited fer the band room to be opened.. saw alot of art students coming back skool to finish up their N lvl work.. waited fer about half an hour.. coz the teacher is late.. i just can't wait to blow my trumpet.. i thought i will blow 2nd or 3rd trumpet.. but in the end i blow 1st trumpet with feng qiang n kang ming.. venus blow 2nd with germaine n atikah.. after warming up, we had sectionals outsyd the band room.. sectionals until 12 den i saw ABANG.. he say wan go study.. i ask him to come up fer awhile coz i not sure whether i can go early.. he kept on asking me to faster keep instrument n go study.. den i ask jay whether can go early.. he say just go.. we step down already.. just go lor.. without wasting tym i keep my instrument n just leave the room.. i ask venus to keep charge about the files n stands.. wen leaving i approach germaine wan hug frm her.. she was talking on the phone wen receiving quite a bad news about her mom.. i feel sad fer her.. she cried.. i hug her n cool her down.. den tt irritating ABANG call me to faster come.. den i say wait lar.. i gave germaine tissue n comfort her by giving her a hug.. she felt ok already den i told her i have to go liao.. just cool down n everything will be alright.. after tt me wilson zy xc n jerome straight go to the kfc to had our lunch n study there.. we study POA n they keep on talking about their working stuff.. study study study, jerome n xc went home to change n will meet zy n wilson at bedok inter at 4.30.. during study, ABANG take photo abt the sizes of drinks we drink..
small one is mine.. medium one is zy.. large one is willson..

we quite sian studying already so we went pp walk2.. we walk around here n there den suddenly xc called.. saying tt he reach already.. both zy n wilson wan go there late2 coz xc always late n now is lyk a revenge to xc.. actually i thought of following wilson n zy go bedok coz i wan go wilson house see his dog.. den wilson lyk dun allow.. i keep on saying i wan.. i wan.. he say next tym mayb.. den i say oklar.. coz i felt tired walking round pp with them.. so i straight went home take bus 15.. while wilson n zy took bus 196.. just wish them happy working.. hope they'll earn alot..
for the past 2 days so bored at home.. always switch on tv, or switch on com.. very boring.. thought of studying.. but i still tink tt im in holidae mood.. so maybe other days den study.. but sunday night jay sms me saying tt he reach singapore liao.. so happy to hear tt.. :) can't wait to see him tomorrow fer band practice.. niss him lots.. den today also very bored at home.. nothing to do.. switch on tv bt no show.. switch on com, if only i can download nice games to play.. but too bad cannot.. com got alot of virus.. if go out with frens also dunno go where or they cannot go out or they no money.. just have to wait till tomorrow band practice.. haiz.. very bored sia.. :(