almost 2 months n now finally i blog . lols !
so many things happen ! i just dunno where to start ? anyways , W45K wasnt a bad class as i thought it would . there's good n some ba bout tt class . but anyways i love my cliques !! "the coolzzz"
school is fun wen im with them ! it makes me feel like going to school everyday ! no weekends, no school holiday or public holiday ! they always make my day ! :D
feels like I am !! MTBZ or TZJS ! i cant believe this man ! one after another ? i dun wan feel too confident bout this . i dun wan it to happen again like last time . should i just wait for the right time to come ? haiz .. i hope i will get a good solution to this .
wanna blog bout my birthday !! haha , memories weyy ! firstly ,
the day before my birthday already i received DHL express mail ! was happily practicing my trumpet suddenly wen i wanna throw the saliva away , at the door got a piece of receipt n it state my name . was damn shock n quickly call dad , den he ask me to call the company . i did n the delivery man will come again on my day itself .
sadly my birthday got band prac , but i still attend though most ppl ask me not to . even my SL ! tsk tsk ~ wanna thank those ppl who wished me ! i really really appreciate it ! *loves* so before i had down for sectionals , i waited for the delivery man to come . i was late for sectionals ! left my house at 12 plus going to 1 (Y) ! wen i was with the delivery man i asked him wat's this ? den he say some apple thing . im like ?!@# i almost fainted ! went home have a quick glance n rush out ! OMG ! i got apple ipod shuffle ! i seriously dunno its from who at tt time . but i saw zen tan , so i was thinking hertien they all . here's a pic of it ~

before we had combine , abang wans to have dinner . so i was thinking of him coming over to my school since i got band . at first he dun wan but i still insist . second surprise was from him n azri ! he say he's at his uncle house repairing computer . for once i thought since wen abang will go to his uncle house ? repair com summore . great acting ! his uncle is azri uh ! haha , we had dinner n after dinner they have this waffle with ice-cream on top . awww . so sweet ! oh ya , they got a birthday card for me too ! confirm i'll cry again after reading it lyk last year ~ but they say i cannot open till 10.38 pm ! humph ... i seriously feel like hugging abang on tt day ! but we're in school ? haha . anyways , thanx u 2 !! LOVE U GUYS MANY2 !!
next surprise was from the band ! me n huda have to stand on tt thing n they sang us a birthday song . OMG ! malu pe . both of us were looking at each other , look at the ground . no eyes were looking at the band ! hahah . :x ouhk , i got humiliated awhile . really really ps ! but really , great thanx too RPWS !! lets work hard for concert ! ((:
last surprise !! from jay stanley kimberly n huimin ! was walking back home den suddenly someone tap me , he was expecting me to shout molest , but i didnt ! haha , i slowly turn n found out it was them ! omg !! i cried ! i couldnt resist it ! its like too touching ! so they came over to my place n celebrate my last few hours of birthday with a cake n a birthday song . awww ! thanx u guys !! so touching !! LOVES !! ;)
ouh ya , received letter . i have to do a crossword puzzle to figure out the 8 ! hahah , so touching la . GREAT THANX TO ABANG JAY HERTIEN AZRI CARINNA KIEROY AMELIA RACHEL for the present ! idk how to accept it , but really thank u so much !! :D
tt's all bout my unexpected 18 ! i noe a bit wordy , but seriously , memories !! :D
went visiting with the current 5Ns last wed ! IT WAS AWESOME !!!! especially wen i get to meet abang ! its been a month since i last met him . n finally tt day we go visiting together !! :D now i miss him badly already . humphhh ... nvm , we still can meet up again !! LOVE U ABANG !!! ♥♥♥

yesterday went to giant with jay stanley and evon . we had dinner at ikea first . oh , i swear i love my dinner last night . so nice !!! we shop for about an hour plus ? oh great ! shopping with stanley sure gives lots of trouble ! but , its still fun !! ouh ya , I CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW !! ♥

POLAROID !! ♥ today our house got open house . sadly my frens couldnt attend . but nvm la , dun wan to force them either . as wat my sis say , gasak dorang la , nk datang ke tknk . kite jemput je da bagus . lols ~ ouh ouh ouh , today i cook one of the dish by my own !!! wah , finally after 17 yrs going to 18 yrs of living , i noe how to cook ayam masak merah !! ;)
visiting visiting visiting !! very tired ! everytime always get dizzy . haiz .. tomorrow going visiting again . aiyo ! BUT , i cant wait for wed !! going visiting with the current 5N's !! abang is going too ! i miss him badly ! i tink it's gonna be a month since i last met him ? )): next week my schedule will be very tight ! omg , i'll be triple the tired man !
a week more to O lvl's . i will not repeat my mistakes ((:
let BYGONES be BYGONES !! no point tinking bout it actually . haiz ...
awesome theatre show with awesome ppl !!!! ♥
radhiah has been worrying bout others so much ! till her ownself also tk terurus ! )): i really need to go to some places which is quiet and relax my mind . i also feel tensed ! urghhh ! it makes me shiver while blowing the trumpet ! how sad uh !
now im worrying bout abang , " " , and a lot more la ! haiz .....
postponed my study plan with pp till next mon coz there's so many household chores i need to do ! ): before i started doing , i did practice blowing long notes with my trumpet . not to forget thanx to wei yang for lending me his soft case (: or else i have to carry back the whole trumpet case home .
after all tt i started to fold the clothes . half way through , bro came home n told me tt his frens are coming over to watch tv ! OMG ! spoil my mood . now im so lazy to carry on with the household chores . wen mum found out , im so gonna tell her ! urghhh !
wen can i meet my abang ? its been weeks since i last met him )): i've beginning to miss him SO much ! HOW ?! now he's asking wen can we go jalan raya . i hope they got plans for it coz i wanna go !!! :D
he actually did read my tweet . awww , so sweet of u to keep an eye on me . ;)
OMG ! am i in love ?